OP:you need to get here now

“Shit,” I cursed, tossing my phone back in my bag. “I promised Harlyn I’d have dinner with her.” It was five-thirty, and I didn’t want to let her down. Not tonight, not when I knew tomorrow Op would get those papers and whether he would let me see my daughter afterward, that was another issue.

Wrench stood up, his body was tired and limp, I could tell that I’d laid a lot of shit on him today and he was feeling it. So was I.

“I’ll follow you there, say I caught up with you in town,” he said as he came forward and pressed his lips to mine before heading to the door.

I took a deep breath and gathered my things, following him out.

The club was quiet when we walked through the main door. The bar was empty and the room desolate. Unusual for this time of the night when the boys were normally busy feeding their faces and drinking after a long day or preparing for a long night.

I looked at Wrench who was obviously thinking the same thing.

As I took a step toward the dining room door, Optimus, Chelsea, and Blizzard came out of the hallway that leads to his office and the meeting room. I opened my mouth to ask where everyone was, but before I could, he held up a handful of papers—ones that I recognized instantly, ones I’d signed just today. My gut sank.

“What the fuck are these?” he demanded, his eyes full of chagrin and anger.

Chelsea pulled on his hand, her eyes looking up at him as if pleading for him to calm down. But he wasn’t going to, he was going to tear me to shreds.

And I didn’t blame him one fucking bit.

Wrench stood at my side as they moved toward us. I wanted to run, my breathing becoming heavier.

This wasn’t meant to happen.

He wasn’t meant to get them until tomorrow.

I wasn’t ready.

“Answer me!” he yelled, his voice booming in the room. My body jolted in fright.

Now I knew why the clubhouse was empty.

“They’re custody papers,” I answered quietly.

“I fucking know that. According to these… you’re giving her up.” I could see the pain flash through his eyes as he said those words that I couldn’t bear to hear. I blinked, tears dropping down onto my cheeks as I stared into his eyes. “Why? I want to know why?”

“I… I just…” I couldn’t find the words I needed, my throat closing up each time I tried to speak.

“Are you trying to destroy her?” he threw at me and my eyes widened.

“No!” I protested, my heart aching at his cruel words. “What kind of mother do you think I am?”

His lip curled up. “The words pathetic, selfish and neglecting come to mind.”

“Hey! That’s enough,” Wrench growled stepping in. “You have no fucking idea what’s going on. So don’t throw shit around you’re gonna regret saying later.”

“Wrench, stop!” I warned, grabbing hold of his arm, not wanting him to get involved. This wasn’t his problem, it was mine.

Optimus narrowed his eyes and Blizzard cursed softly under his breath. Chelsea looked between us, and even I could see the realization beginning to dawn on her.

“Jesus Christ,” Op said finally, the pieces finally clicking into place. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Did you not hear me when I told you all to stay the hell away from her?”

Wrench pulled his shoulders back. “Shit happens, Op. Can’t help who you fall for. You fucking know that.”

“Fall for!” Optimus launched forward, but Blizzard caught him around the shoulders, holding him back. “I fucking warned you! You’re willing to lose your patch over some bitch who won’t even take responsibility for her own daughter?”

“Optimus!” Chelsea gasped in shock.