Chapter One


I couldn’t help but watch her as she played outside with Harlyn. In the sun her hair changed, shimmering like copper as opposed to the dark auburn locks I’d seen when she first arrived.

She was beautiful, fucking stunning but completely off limits.

Maybe that’s what made the attraction so strong. Maybe that’s what pulled me in, knowing I couldn’t have her.

Look but don’t fucking touch.

I clenched my fists as I leaned against the doorframe, unable to draw my eyes away.

Sugar had been gone for years.

When the shit hit the fan with the club, Optimus decided to send Sugar and Harlyn away, hoping that it would keep the woman he loved, and his unborn child, protected from the war that had raged around us and killed his father. It was a brash move, but one I understood, knowing that he possibly would not have been able to cope with losing another person that he cared for in such a small space of time.

It was Sugar who’d decided to stay hidden and not return. From what I understood, it was from the fear that the danger which seemed to consistently surround the club would put her baby girl at risk. She did what she had to do, but after finding a mole within our ranks, it had jeopardized their safety, and Op had a duty and finally called her back.

I don’t remember Sugar having such amazing curves. Maybe it was something which had developed after Harlyn was born, or maybe at the time, I was content with knowing she belonged to my brother, and would never think of moving in on something so precious to him.

But now she was here, and while I knew it was wrong, lusting after my president’s child’s mother… Fuck! I couldn’t seem to keep my head on straight.

With the Mafia breathing down our necks, I’d been placed on babysitting duty.

Okay… so I hadn’t been placed exactly, I’d offered.

I pushed off the doorway and wandered out into the yard as Sugar settled herself onto one of the many outdoor tables while watching Harlyn as she leaped and bounded all over the playground.

“How do you keep up with her?” I asked as I took a seat opposite Sugar.

She turned and grinned at me, her teeth pearly white and perfectly straight, and a small dimple appeared on her left cheek. “I try my best…” she laughed, obviously a little out of breath, “… but this kid has far too much energy. She makes me feel so old.”

I snorted. “Yeah, because twenty-five is basically elderly.”

Her eyes brightened, and she smirked. “And how old might you be then?”

I placed my hand over my heart and gasped. “No one ever tell you that you shouldn’t ask a biker his age?”

A soft giggle left her lips and she rolled her eyes. “I’m pretty sure that’s women… you should never ask a woman her age.”

“Little sexist if you ask me. Bikers have feelings, too.”

“They do?” she asked mockingly. “And here I was thinking you were all these hard-ass men who ignored any sign of emotion.”

“That’s very assuming of you.”

She laughed and shook her head, the sound making my heart thump against my chest.

God, what I would give to hear that sound over and over again.

Fuck! Am I turning into a pansy?

“So you got dumped with us today, huh?” she continued, her eyes turning back to where Harlyn was swinging across a metal bar like a monkey.

“Not dumped, so to speak… I actually kinda like the kid. She’s got some sass.”

Harlyn, even though she’d spent five years away from Op, was actually a lot like him in many ways. She was confident and had an attitude, and when she spoke up, she spoke her mind.