“She freaked out, didn’t she,” Eric said regretfully, and I growled low in my throat.

“You want to tell me why the hell that is?”

I heard rustling in the background and a door closing. “Because I felt like she should know before it was plastered all over the damn television,” he replied with just as much impatience. “Peter was killed last night, they found him dead in his house this morning when the cleaner showed up.”

I almost dropped the phone as he explained how his parents had been notified by police and that they had rung him to go around and identify the body because they would not be able to get on a flight until tonight. They wanted to know whether it was him, hoping I guess that they’d just made a mistake.

“How?” I asked, trying to get my brain to keep up. Sugar looked up at me, her mouth set in a hard line and her skin slightly pale.

“Shot twice in the head while he was in bed,” Eric replied, almost sadly. “Karma in a sense, I guess, but still… they’ll catch who did it…”

He let the words hang in the air, and my face hardened. “Hope they do,” I said coldly. Not missing the insinuation that I knew exactly what had happened. “I’d like to high-five whoever did have the balls.”

“Let her know she’ll probably hear from me soon. I was still listed as the executor of his will.” My lip raised up in anger. “And since they were still married—”

“Yeah, fine,” I snapped, cutting him off. The reminder, a short jab to my gut. I’m sure he loved that.

I hung up and held the phone tightly in my fist.

Sugar slowly stood from the step and looked directly into my eyes. “It’s over?” she questioned. The shock of what had happened beginning to fade and a look of relief sweeping over her. I hooked my arms around her shoulders and pulled her into my chest. Her arms linked around my waist and she took in a deep breath.

“Let’s not jump ahead of ourselves and assume anything,” Blizzard interrupted, always the voice of reason. “I know it seems like it’s done right now, but I’m sorry to say, people like him tend to leave unfinished business behind them.”

Sugar sagged in my arms, and as much as I wanted to reassure her that everything was fine and that it was all said and done, Blizzard was right. It wasn’t a time to relax, it was a time to get all our shit straight and think about the facts.

Even then though, I couldn’t help but be a little happy that someone had taken the bastard to his grave. Especially given how much restraint it had taken me not to do it myself after that shit that happened at Slider’s funeral.

I wanted the mother-fucker dead, as did Op and the rest of the club, but with people of importance such as him, we had to do shit the right way. People would notice he was missing. They would search, they would investigate, and with Sugar’s ties to the club, we’d be first on their list. One little mistake and we were done for.

Not that it mattered now. He was gone, and it wasn’t us.

We knew they’d still come knocking, but they’d find nothing.

And we could move the fuck on.