She covered the laughter with a fake cough, bringing her hand to her mouth. “Uh… tickety-boo?”

“What’s wrong with tickety-boo?”

I could tell she was hiding a grin as she refused to move her hand from over her mouth. “Nothing, nothing at all,” she murmured. “Unless you’re like… Cinderella’s fairy godmother.”

“Pretty sure that was bippity-boppity-boo,” I joked, tapping her on the end of the nose with my finger, before turning away and heading for the door. I smiled, hearing her soft footsteps following behind me.

“So now you’re a Disney princess expert, are you?”

I clicked my tongue and grinned over my shoulder at her. “That’s one secret I’ll never tell.”

Her mouth opened and closed, before a frown buried itself in her brow. “I can’t tell if you’re being serious.”

I simply laughed before turning away and stepping out the patio doors. “Ham,” I called, getting the young kid’s attention from where he stood pushing Harlyn on the swings. “Bring Harlyn in, we’re going out to my place for a while.”

He raised his hand to tell me he’d heard me, and I spun back around to find Sugar still staring at me curiously from the doorway. “Your mind is working overtime.”

She shrugged but the corner of her mouth lifted in a smile. “Just trying to figure out if you’re more of a Snow White fan, or if you prefer a blonde like Rapunzel. Come on, you can tell me.”

My eyes scanned the area around us as I took two large steps forward until our bodies were separated by just a few inches of tumultuous air. I dipped my head, my lips grazing her earlobe. Her breathing instantly accelerated, and my cock twitched in response. “Rapunzel. All that hair to wind around my fist as I fucked her… mmm…” I lifted my hand, pulling at a few strands of her hair. As I pulled back, she licked her lips, and a visible shudder ran straight through her body.

She cleared her throat, finally finding her voice after a few long seconds. “Way to turn Disney princesses into something dirty.”

“Don’t ask questions that you don’t want to know the answers to, lollipop,” I said with a wink.

She snorted. “Lollipop?”

“Yeah, you know, a sugary substance that you lick? Your name is Sugar… I want to—”

Before I could finish that sentence, Harlyn flew through the patio doors and crashed into my leg. I managed to grab her before she stumbled backward, and swung her up and onto my hip.

“Are we really going out somewhere other than here?” she asked with so much excitement that her words seemed to almost slur together.

I chuckled. “Yeah, kid. Grab your swimsuit and some good shoes, we’ve got exploring to do.”

“Awesome,” she exclaimed, leaping from my arms and onto the floor. I’d grown slowly accustomed to the kid just throwing herself from heights, or leaping from one person to another without any fear or warning. Sugar was right, the daredevil part of her was strong and it made me fucking nervous.

Harlyn took off up the staircase with Ham trudging along behind her.

“Maybe you should work on that nickname,” she said finally, patting my chest. “Or just stick with Sugar before you embarrass yourself.”

“I’ll come up with something, don’t you worry, sprinkles.”

Her laugh filled the room as she headed for the stairs. “I’ll get dressed and grab my stuff, you keep working on that.”

I was going to. She could count on that.

The club had always known her as Sugar. A nickname Optimus gave her the first time they met, one that stuck. To everyone here, that’s what she’d always be, but that caveman part of me wanted a part of her that I could call my own. Something that, when it came to her, was mine.

It sounded stupid.

Fuck! I knew it sounded stupid.

I couldn’t fucking have her. That had been made clear on more occasion than one. Yet, every time I was in her presence, that shit flew out the window and I was right back where I fucking started—pining over my president’s ex-Old Lady, begging for someone to kick my fucking ass.


Why did I offer to spend the whole day with them?

Jesus Christ, this wasn’t going to end well.

No. Fucking. Way.