Because I had made the same desperate escape just a few years ago.

“I’m going to guess by the look on both your faces that I got this one right,” Deacon said softly, taking a slow step forward as if he was approaching a wild animal. “You know who this girl is, Skylar?”

Tears streamed from the girl’s mesmerizing green eyes—eyes that could never be duplicated. She held still, frozen on the spot, her hands clasped in front of her tightly and her knuckles were white. She was being obedient, she was being the woman we’d been raised to be.

“Yes,” I whispered, my hands shaking as I took a wobbly step forward.

A sob escaped Emerald’s throat, and I rushed forward wrapping my arms tightly around her. She latched on to me, shaking and quivering in my arms, struggling to find her breath. We rocked back and forth, tears streaming from my own eyes as she clung to me to as though I was her lifeline.

If she was standing here with me, that statement could damn well be true.

Emerald’s breath brushed my ear. “I escaped,” she whispered, her voice trembling.

“Hey, is everything all right?” Chelsea’s soft voice asked.

I looked up to see her taking in the situation around her, eyeing Deacon with concern.

Chelsea’s eyes met mine and they softened, seeing the despair on my face. “Who is this?” she asked cautiously when no one replied.

I cleared my throat. “This is my sister.”