“Get him out of here,” I told Wreck, fed up with the fucking blasé attitude coming from this kid.

He looked up when I spoke. “Hey man, sorry, I’m listening.”

“You’renotfucking listening,” I snapped, stepping forward. “You’re using my time to have a fucking perve and get your rocks off.”

He held his hands up. “Man, I’m just appreciating the sexy bitches you have here, that ain’t a crime.”

I threw my fist, connecting with his jaw. He fell backward with a thump and groan onto the carpet, holding his face. “Get him out of my sight,” I growled.

Wreck instantly stepped in and dragged the kid moaning in pain back down the hallway.

I snapped my head to Mason who seemed completely unfazed. “We gonna have any problems?”

He shook his head, a small smirk appearing in the corner of his mouth. “I got a woman at home and a little boy. If you hadn’t have done that, I was about to.”

“Good.” I liked him. “Be here tomorrow, 7:00 p.m. One of my boys will show you where you need to be on the floor.”

He stuck his hand out and I took it. “No problem.”

He nodded to Wreck as he stepped back through the door and then he was gone. Wreck followed me back out to the bar where Dena the bartender handed me a beer with a soft smile.

“So what’s your issue?” Wreck asked, taking a seat on the stool beside me.

I turned just a little so he could see me scowling at him but all he did was laugh. “All that guy wanted was pussy, and he wasn’t gonna fucking get it here.”

Wreck shook his head. “Agreed! The kid was like a horny teenager watching porno, but that wasn’t what I was talking about.”

I clenched my teeth, squeezing the cold bottle in my hand. “Doctor told us that the likelihood of Harm getting pregnant is practically slim to none.” I then went on and tried to explain what Doctor Parish had told us, about the risks and possibilities. My body was numb by the time I’d finished.

Wreck nodded. Him and his Old Lady Del, and my best friend Tally were the only ones who knew about the two pregnancies we had already been through. And that was only because Del was a nurse, and when Harmony had started noticing something was wrong she was the first person we called.

We were lucky really. Both times we’d known pretty early and managed to get a handle on things before the pregnancy had progressed too far and lead to a situation that could have been potentially deadly.

Unfortunately, we weren’t lucky enough, and now here we were struggling with the loss of two children and fighting to have another.

“Harmony seemed okay when she walked into the club just before we left.” Wreck frowned.

I nodded. “That’s how she feels like she has to be.” I shook my head. “No one would have even guessed that she’d gone through what she had over the last six months. I mean, I know those two babies were small, basically non-existent…”

“But they were yours… and hers. They were your babies,” he answered in understanding.

My throat closed tightly and I struggled to swallow.

Yeah.They were mine and I felt like I’d failed to protect them, and her.

“Harmony is too proud for her own good sometimes,” I choked out. “She puts it all on her shoulders, taking the blame and the pressure for things she can’t control.”

“So make sure she knows now… you’re in this together. Take control.”

I turned to look at him, my eyebrows raised. He rolled his eyes. “I’m just saying, brother. You take the control out of her hands, and then she doesn’t feel the pressure to be perfect.”

My mind ticked over. Maybe he was right. If Harmony were to get pregnant again, she would feel like if anything happened that it would be on her. The stress would get to her and the need to create this life would consume her.

I fucking loved that woman with everything inside me.

I wanted her to be happy. It made me ache to see her so broken, so worn down.

She held me up when I needed it, she stood beside me when things got hard and she asked for nothing in return.

Now it was my time to do the same for her.