I rolled my eyes but took Blizzard’s hand as we climbed the stairs and walked toward our destiny, once again a united front.

With a smile permanently etched on my face, we walked out of the courthouse.

When we reached the bottom step, I launched myself at Blizzard who caught me with ease, swinging me around in circles. “She’s ours…” he laughed in my ear, “… she’s finally ours.” When he placed me back on my feet and stepped back, I could see the tears shining in his eyes. He’d held it together in there as the judge had gone through every point, every detail, every single thing that she could have in order to make the right decision.

In the end, the Sanders had shot themselves in the foot. With Allen’s dramatic show at the day care center and then Amber Dean, Edward’s daughter, showing up to testify that she had heard Allen blackmailing Edward with regards to Hayley’s pregnancy, there was no way in hell they could prove to be fit guardians.

Amy had left them and Allen decided to represent himself.

Also a bad move.

He couldn’t control his temper and Mary just sat silently, never once standing up to her husband or speaking for herself. My heart ached inside for Hayley. I never met her, but it was obvious to me now that she hadn’t had the best parental figures growing up. It’s no wonder she was fighting so hard to do things on her own and make a life for herself and Jayla. She didn’t want her to have the life she had. She wanted something better for Jay.

Blizzard and I were going to make sure she got it.

Matthew made sure he expressed our concerns to the judge who listened with patient and considering ears. Kat and Lucy, two of the girls from X-Rated, read statements talking about Hayley, who she was, what her passions were, and what she wanted for her daughter. Her day care teachers wrote letters explaining how much Jay had grown in our care. We took the stand and talked about plans for the future, our hopes and dreams not only for Jayla but for us all and our family.

It was a long process, but I was actually glad for that.

We needed that time to rightly express how we felt, and how much our love for Jay had grown over the last six months. It really was quite beautiful to see all these people supporting us, to see them all praise how we supported our girl and how perfect her family was. It warmed my heart, and I couldn’t express to any of them just how thankful I was that they gave us this gift. I just hoped they knew how much it meant to both Blizzard and me.

Matthew walked out the doors behind us with a wide grin on his face. “Welcome to the world of parenthood!” he crowed, sending up a round of cheers from the brothers who crowded around us. He patted Blizzard on the back. “I’ll have the paperwork all set up tomorrow. Make sure you come in to sign it. But as far as this all goes… it’s done. Congratulations.”

“Thanks Matthew. We really appreciate everything you did,” I told him genuinely. Matthew was a good guy and an excellent lawyer. The club was lucky to have him.

He gave me a soft smile and a nod of the head. “Glad to help. Now go get that girl.”

Elation spread through me like wildfire, and I grabbed Blizzard’s hand. “Can we?”

He dropped his head, resting his forehead against mine. “We can do whatever you want to do, baby?”

I licked my lips and reached up, twisting his tie around my hand and yanking him forward, claiming his lips. Hoots and hollas surrounded us as Blizzard lifted me off my feet with his forearm under my ass, and began carrying me across the carpark to his bike. With my skirt so tight, I couldn’t do what I wanted to do and wrap my legs around his waist and grind against him—fuck who saw.

This was my life. This was my future.

These people had saved me.

They rescued me when I felt like my soul was far too tainted for anyone to ever love again.

I screwed up once. I believed that family had everything to do with blood. I would have done—and almost did do—whatever I had to in order to be a part of that. I listened to my father, I believed his lies, I trusted him.

He was my dad.

He should have protected me.

He wasmyblood.

Turns out, blood really isn’t thicker than water.

I found family in the people who forgave me for my mistakes. They understood that it wasn’t me. They saw through the manipulation and fear and saw the pure heart that I held inside. They loved me despite my flaws, my mistakes.

They loved me, supported me, protected me—even from myself.

While I still had ties to my Italian blood, I knew that this was where I was meant to be. They gave me everything I’d ever dreamed of—one huge dysfunctional, crazy, rough, and at times embarrassing family. A sexy, sweet and strong alpha male who sees through my bullshit and pulls me to the surface when I feel like I’m drowning. And a beautiful little girl who, just like me, is getting a second chance.

Blizzard slowly lowered me to my feet, his hands sweeping torturously slow over my curves until he cupped my face. “You ready to go?” he whispered against my lips. “Time to take our daughter home.”

Hearing the words caused me to choke up. “Yes.”

“Yes?” he asked with a slight smirk.

I cleared my throat, standing a little taller and looking my man in the eyes. “Yes. Forever, yes.”