I rolled my eyes as I pulled away and Rose straightened her dress. “You didn’t have to wear heels, princess,” I chuckled.

Her lips pursed and she folded her arms across her chest, resting them conveniently on her oversized belly. “It’s hard to look good when you’re the size of a whale, Blizzard. You just don’t understand!” The baby-doll style dress she had on was tightly stretched over her growing breasts, but flowed freely down to her mid-thigh and accentuated her bump.

A rough hand reached around her and cradled her stomach. “Baby, come on. You’re gonna stress the twins out.” He rubbed his hand in circles as though he was trying to soothe his unborn children as well as placate his woman. He lifted his chin at me over her shoulder. “You ready?”

“Fuck yeah.”

Rose’s slim fingers slipped through mine, interlocking us together as we headed for the front door. Stepping outside, I inhaled a deep breath, the sight in front of me one that never seemed to get old. My brothers, all dressed in their Sunday fucking best, lined up at the curb on their bikes. The chrome was sparkling and bright, freshly polished up and ready to make an impact.

I noticed Ham looked a little worse for wear as he leaned against his bike, but I didn’t blame him. We’d patched him in two days ago and since then he seems to have drunk himself stupid. We all did it, I understood. I had to give the kid credit, he was still here, despite looking like he needed sleep and a good vomit.

Each of my brothers nodded their heads in a show of silent support, flying their colors proudly over top of the button up shirts that we usually save especially for court dates. This was different though. This wasn’t us supporting a brother who might be looking at doing time or being charged for something. This was us taking a stand on something that wasn’t right. This was them showing me that even though I believed Jay was mine, they held a claim to her too.

She was part of our family.

Whether I’d stepped up for her or not, Hayley was ours, and now Jay is too.

Rose brushed her lips against my cheek. “I’ll see you there.”

I nodded in agreement, as I watched her walk over to Leo’s truck and climb in with Hadley, Chelsea and Skylar. Jayla wouldn’t be coming with us to court. There was no order for her to be there, and as far as I was concerned, this shit was wrapped up. There was no way they were getting out of this.

Throwing my leg over my bike, I felt that sudden comfort and ease that riding gave me. It was freedom, and adrenaline, but as I looked to all the men who sat beside me, it was more. It was a brotherhood.

Sure, we could have all been friends outside of the club if our paths had crossed. But would they have? The Brothers by Blood were the reason I had these men beside me. We all found a connection through our passion for brotherhood and bikes. We were strong because of the rules we lived by, the laws that were founded before us and passed down. They forced us to believe in one another, to trust in one another with our lives and our futures.

That isn’t something that every man can say about his friends.

Because I don’t have friends.

I have brothers.

“Let’s go, I’m fucking chafing in this shit,” Optimus grumbled, followed by the harsh roar of his engine. The usually barren street was soon alive with the sound of Harleys, growling like ferocious lions with their eyes set on their prey. The ground shook as my president pulled out, each of us following in line behind him, falling into perfect sync.

I couldn’t help but grin as I realized I was about to finally get what I’d been fighting so long for.

My baby girl.

Our baby girl.

My family.