I could hear the screaming before we even pulled into the small parking lot where Allen was fighting against Deacon, the local head of the police department and another of his colleagues. I could tell Deacon was trying to reason with him, but if he kept acting like an idiot I knew he was going to be arrested.

Deacon was level-headed, but he also didn’t put up with bullshit.

Optimus parked and I climbed out of the car, heading straight for the front doors where Penny, the day care manager, stood watching the scene in front of her with wide eyes.

“Is Jayla all right?” I asked as I jogged over to her.

She turned to me, a look of relief on her face. “We’ve got the kids out in the back room, so she wouldn’t have heard or seen anything.”

I inhaled a deep breath. “Good.”

We’d chosen this day care specifically because of its awareness over the protection of the children in their care. It was a peace of mind for parents going through custody battles, and also for children who needed to feel secure and safe. Parents had to carry key cards to get them through the doors into the different rooms where the children were located, and they were very strict on people who they didn’t know coming inside.

Most of the club kids either went there or had gone there before they left for school, and the day care were always sweet and caring and never judgmental toward the boys.

“She’s my fucking granddaughter!” I heard Allen yell, causing me to spin on my heel. “You stupid bitch, trying to take her from me.”

My temper shot up and before I knew it, my feet were carrying me across the parking lot.

Heavy boots trailed behind me. “Rose…” Op gave his warning, but he didn’t stop me.

“You know you’ve just destroyed any case you had regarding visitation,” I yelled as he struggled against Deacon who was clipping handcuffs around Allen’s wrists. “You’re done! It’s over!”

Op grabbed my wrist, holding me back.

“It’s not done.” Allen spat, his eyes wide. “She needs to be with us. We need her.” His voice was tense, desperate.

There was no more composure. Not like what I’d seen in that meeting room last week.


It was gone.

This man was crazy. He’d lost it.

I looked up to Op in confusion, but he just shook his head. “We’ll talk about it later. Get your girl… we’ll take her back to the clubhouse. Blizzard will want to see the both of you when he gets back.”

“Rose?” Deacon jogged over, wiping the sweat from his forehead now that he had Allen secured in the back of the police car. “You want to make a statement?”

“She wants a restraining order… keep the nut job away from her and from Jay,” Optimus ordered.

I nodded my head. “Yes. Please.”

“I’ll see what I can do. I’ll be in touch.”

“Thanks Deacon.”

He dipped his head and hurried back to the police cruiser. Once they were gone, Penny and the boys walked over to us. Penny shook her head sadly.

“Such a shame he had to go and be an idiot. There’s no way he’s going to get rights to see her now.” She offered me a smile. “Which is good, because she’s so happy and growing every day. You should be so proud.”

I couldn’t help the grin that spread across my face. “Thanks Penny. Hopefully, this little stunt means we can rest easy.”

Optimus snorted. “Oh, you can rest easy all right.”

Placing my hand on my hip, I narrowed my eyes at him. “Did Blizzard find something?”

He chuckled and turned, walking toward his truck. “Get your girl, we’ll wait here,” he called over his shoulder, not giving me anything.

I wanted to be annoyed, but instead all I could feel was joy building in my stomach. If Blizzard had found something, along with this, maybe that means we’re going to be okay. Maybe that means we don’t have to worry anymore, and I can start enjoying my time with Jay instead of fretting over it, thinking maybe these would be the last times I would see her beautiful smile or hear her laughter.

Blizzard and Jay had come into my life so suddenly that neither he nor I had really known what we were doing to begin with. All we knew was that as long as she had everything she needed, and she had us and the club around her, that all would be okay. We could learn and we could grow, but we knew that we didn’t want to do that without her.

“Shall we go get her?” Penny asked happily.

I laughed, bouncing on my feet. “Yes. Definitely. Yes.”