I was going to honor that. I would give Jayla the life I knew Hayley would want for her and I would keep her safe, just like she had tried to do.

When the ache in my heart had eased, I looked up at Amber. “I’m going to need a statement.”

She studied me. “You care about that little girl.”

“She’s special. We’ve got a weird connection,” I croaked, trying to keep my wild emotions in check. “Hayley raised her the best she could, but it’s obvious Jay has seen some things a child her age never should have seen. She needs people who are going to love her, and support her, and help her grow. Hayley was a part of our family, and our family always comes first.”

I saw a glistening in Amber’s eyes like she understood. “Just let me know what you need and I’ll supply whatever I can to help.”

I swallowed past the lump in my throat and nodded sharply. “Appreciate it. I’ll have my lawyer get in touch with you.”

Doors slammed down the hallway and the loud pounding of feet resonated toward us.

I looked to Skins and rolled my eyes. “Security is here, asshole.”

He smirked. “Hey, I heard banging and smashing, for all I knew she was kicking your ass and I needed to come save it.”

Two large men crowded the doorway, glaring at each of us, amped for a fight.

“It’s okay, guys.” Amber laughed as she walked around her desk and ushered them out of the room. “They’re fine, just a misunderstanding.”

They huffed and puffed as we edged our way out of her room and headed outside. Skins winked at the blushed receptionist as we passed by and I laughed.

“I think she likes me.”

I laughed as we stepped into the elevator and shook my head with a smile. “You know what? I’m beginning to think you’ll fit in here just fine.”