Chapter Fourteen

Rose and Blizzard’s meeting with Jayla’s grandparents didn’t exactly go to plan.

To be quite honest, the whole situation gave me the chills. Rose and I ended up escaping with Jay and leaving Optimus to keep Blizzard in check. The poor girl was far too young to have to be put in an adult situation like that, but it did show Rose and Blizzard’s willingness to keep these people in her life if they would just back off.

All it had done was cause more drama, and now I was scared that keeping that little girl in our lives may not be as easy as we thought.

I was sitting with Rose a few days later, complaining about my woes of pregnancy as usual when the doors to the meeting room swung open and the boys began to file out. Optimus and Blizzard had called an urgent Church. Op didn’t stop long enough to tell me what it was about, but I think I could safely assume that it had something to do with the fight to keep Jay with us.

“Since when was Skins allowed inside Church without a patch?” Rose asked, forcing me to look up to where Blizzard was speaking quietly with him outside the doorway.

My eyes widened. It was unorthodox and unusual. “I have no idea. Maybe they were talking about patching him in?”

Blizzard was soon marching over to us, his eyes on his woman.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

“Nothing for you to worry about,” was all he muttered before dropping a soft kiss on her shoulder.

A hand slipped into my hair and cupped my neck. “You ready?”

I held out my arm and he took it, pulling me to my feet as I let out a heavy sigh.

Blizzard looked at us strangely. “Where are you off to?”

I couldn’t help but smile softly, the excitement of where we were going had been building inside me all day. “We have our gender scan in about thirty minutes. We’ll be back for dinner.”

“What!” Rose cried, flying to her feet. “You didn’t tell me that!”

Optimus threw them a smug smirk as I chuckled. “You lot are going to have to wait a while longer to find out what it is. We’re not telling,” he told them as he pulled me away.

“How dare she keep something so important from me,” I heard Rose yelling behind me as Optimus lead me outside to my car.

“We really aren’t going to tell them?” I laughed as I slipped into the passenger’s side and struggled with the seatbelt so that it fit comfortably around my hump.

Optimus climbed in the driver’s side and pulled the car out of the compound. “No, they can wait. That way, we can say it’s their Christmas present, and we won’t have to buy them fucking anything.” His cheeky grin had me laughing so much I almost peed my pants before we reached the ultrasound clinic.

“You can’t do that!”

“Watch me,” he threw back.

I shook my head but I couldn’t help but smile. “I’m going to buy them presents.”

“The hell you are. Not with my money. We’re sharing the sex of our babies with them. That’s huge, they should be honored.”

“You do realize you’re the President of the Brothers by Blood, not the President of the United States, right?” I joked as he pulled into the clinic. “Nobody cares that much about what we’re having.”

He looked over at me and grinned. “Like hell they don’t, we have bets running.”

This made me laugh even harder. “Of course you do. Why would I expect anything less.”

I was starting to feel very crippled by the way I needed constant help with getting around. I didn’t anticipate how hard things were going to get. Especially, because I was so fit. But I found myself running out of breath and really struggling quite easily at the moment. I knew I was caring little beings inside me the size of cabbages, but it was still a surprise that things were taking such a toll on my body.

Stepping inside the clinic’s waiting room, I heard Optimus curse under his breath, and when I looked up I suddenly felt like I was at home. Pregnant women lined the edges of the room, some with parents sitting awkwardly beside them, others with small children playing at their feet.

These were my people.

They felt my highlights and my lowlights, my pain, my raging hormones and my fear of peeing my pants. Unfortunately, they didn’t understand how to keep their eyes to themselves as almost every woman in the room silently eyed my man as we walked through to the reception desk.