Chapter Thirteen

Chelsea was waiting in our room when I finally got back to the clubhouse. She sat in the middle of the bed, her legs folded so her knees were out to the side and her stomach resting in between. She was growing every single day, nourishing those babies so they were happy and healthy.

I didn’t care if they were boys or girls or both. But I knew that no matter what they were, the love their mother would hold for them would be rivaled by none.

“They’re fighting again,” she murmured without even looking up at me, her eyes focused on her belly, her hands teasing the babies as they poked and prodded at her from the inside. “You think they’re going to fight a lot when they get older?”

“I don’t know. Maybe.” I shrugged off my cut and hung it over the small sofa to my right before walking over to the bed. “I’m sure they’ll learn quickly that that shit won’t be tolerated around here.”

This was when she finally looked up at me. “Op… how do I know if I’ll be a good mom? I know what I want to do, how I want to raise them. But what if I give in too easily and can’t tell them no? What if I give them candy to stop them from throwing tantrums? What if I teach them the wrong way to—”

“Blackbird, stop!”

She heaved in a heavy breath through her nose before letting it whoosh out through her mouth. “I can’t remember what my parents’ parenting was like,” she admitted in frustration. “Today, when I saw those photos, I’d barely been able to recognize my dad. I thought I knew them. I thought I knew what they were like, but I really don’t. I only have the few small memories and even those are fuzzy now.”

I let her speak as I slipped onto the bed beside her and placed my hand on her belly so we could share in the delights of our karate kids. “From even the tiny memories you have of your mom and dad, you know in your heart that they were amazing parents. They laughed and played, and when it came down to it, they gave up their lives to protect their daughter,” I explained, running my fingers through her hair and pulling it back from her face. “It doesn’t matter if you had shitty role models growing up and asshole foster parents who couldn’t give a flying fuck about the children they had, that doesn’t change who you are as a person. Hell, it probably made you a better person.”

She smiled and leaned into my hand while I massaged my fingers into her scalp in relaxing soothing circles.

“You are who you are… beautiful, kind hearted, caring, loving, affectionate, and at times a little fucking nuts. So you use those attributes and be the parent you want to be.”

Her eyes found mine and softened as she leaned forward and placed her perfectly soft bowed lips to mine. “I’m scared,” she whispered as she pulled away and pressed her forehead to mine.

“Baby, stop,” I warned her as I felt her heart begin to race. “Your mom and dad would be so proud of the person you’ve become. So strong and independent, but so damn fucking sweet. Look what you’re like with Harlyn… and Jayla… and Macy. Just look at how you treat my men, mothering them and checking they’re okay when they’re going through stressful times. You have this shit in your blood. You know what people need. You know how to ease them when they’re upset. You follow your instincts.”

I could see a smile starting to form on her beautiful lips.

“And you know what? You’re not doing this alone. So don’t feel like it’s all on your shoulders. I’m here, the club’s here, your girls are here. I’ll probably fuck something up, and you’ll likely yell at me, but that’s fine. We’ll do this shit together.”

She grabbed the back of my neck and smashed her mouth against mine. Her tongue ran along the seam of my lips, begging for entrance and I happily obliged. My tongue fought against hers, battling and fighting for dominance. I slowly laid her back on the bed, her hair fanning out around her head. I braced myself over her body, perfectly balancing my weight to avoid pressure on her stomach.

“I love you,” she whispered as we came up for breath, but I wasn’t done yet.

“I love you too, baby,” I murmured against the soft skin of her neck as I kissed down her throat. The feeling of her pulse against my lips was one I’ll never forget. It was a gentle beat that slowly but surely began to race as I slipped one of my knees between her legs and pressed it to her center. I nudged her chin up as I moved down the middle of her throat, covering every damn inch of her that I could reach.

Sitting back on my knees and watching her squirm, unhappy with my retreat. I smirked. “You’re fucking beautiful.”

Her face was flushed, and her breasts were heaving up and down.

“Get on your hands and knees,” I ordered sternly, licking my lips in anticipation.

First, I helped move her onto her knees, then I stripped her of her shirt, leaving her in a bra, knowing that with how big her breasts were at the moment, it would be more uncomfortable for me to release them and have them swinging around.

Her hands dived under my shirt, tearing it free over my head. With my cock already straining painfully against my jeans, the silky touch of her fingers as they traced the muscles over my torso practically had me coming in my pants.

They moved like feathers up my body, sending a grueling shudder through me. But my little fucking minx, when she reached my chest, that was when the nails came out. She dragged them back down over my stomach until she reached my belt buckle.

A low rumble escaped from my throat. “You’ve started something now, blackbird.”

“You better hurry up and finish it then,” she shot back before turning and lowering herself onto her hands and knees with her perfectly damn round and juicy ass staring at me. “Please.”

I palmed her ass with both my hands, squeezing and rubbing the soft flesh. Hooking my fingers inside the waistband of her pants, I slowly rolled down both her pants and her panties, letting my rough fingers graze over her supple skin. A groan fell from my lips as I saw her glistening pussy staring back at me. There was just the lightest brush of hair barely visible from where she would usually shave it clean, but because she seemed to have grown so much over the past few weeks, she was struggling with these things.

I touched it softly. “Remind me to take care of this for you when I’m done.”

“Mmm…” she hummed. “Please do.”

Using one hand, I worked away my belt and the button on my jeans as I teased her clit with the other, my thumb gathering the moisture from her pussy and swirling it in slow circles around the tight little nub.