Looking up at Kit’s face, his eyes red and hooded. I wasn’t the only one of us affected by this news. It was hurting him too and I hated myself for not being able to give him this one thing.

“Stop it,” he snapped. “This isnotyour fault.”

I snorted. “It’s not your body that’s broken. I bet your swimmers are so strong they have abs already.”

“You’re not broken,” he growled, his eyes flashing in anger.

I opened my mouth to deliver a smart remark but Doctor Parish cut me off. “There’s other options available to you. If we can harvest an egg, you could consider a surrogate. That way, the baby will still be yours and Kit’s.”

I frowned. “A surrogate?”

She nodded, rolling her chair across to the opposite side of her desk and pulling open the drawer. “I have papers here somewhere that discusses this option.” Her eyes brightened for a second and she snatched up a pamphlet before sliding it across the table to us. “It’s more common than you think, and there are some wonderful women out there who are more than willing to help you.”

I looked down at the small booklet but didn’t pick it up.

Could this be something we could consider?

Placing our child inside the body of another woman and trusting her to take good care of it? My hand went to my stomach instantly. It was flat. Maybe it would always stay that way. I would never have stretch marks that tell my baby’s story, never know what it felt like to feel them kick or sit on your bladder in the middle of the night—things Chelsea had been keeping me up-to-date on every second day as she waits for her and Optimus’ twins to arrive.

“We need to do some serious thinking,” Kit said, filling the ominous silence.

Doctor Parish nodded in understanding. “Of course,” she replied as we all stood to our feet. “I want you to know though, that there are options. You aren’t in this alone and whatever you decide, I will work through it with the both of you.”

I couldn’t help but smile softly at the kind tone in her voice. “Thank you.”

Kit gave her a sharp nod as he took my hand and we fled the doctor’s offices.

The bright sunlight burnt my already swollen and sensitive eyes as we walked down the steps and out to the parking lot where Kit’s bike sat waiting for us. Neither of us said a word as we went through the motions of placing on our helmets. He straddled the bike and started her up as I swung my leg over the back.

It was all second nature to us now.

Sometimes I sat back and tried to remember what my life was like before Kit sauntered in and completely took it over. But then, I remembered that it didn’t matter. I loved Athens, I missed the boys and my friends from up there, but the reality was this was where I was meant to be.

With Kit, with this club.

There was no question or doubt in my mind that Kit was the piece of the puzzle that I’d always felt was missing. I thought I was comfortable and content back then, accepting that every man who came into my life would eventually walk away. When Kit came along and gave me no option but to trust him and made it quite clear that he wouldn’t be leaving, I realized that that had been what I was waiting for. Someone to finally take a stand, to show me that not all men were the same and that one day, that perfect one for you would come along and make you realize why you never felt that way before.

I was made for him.

And no matter who came along before that, it never would have mattered anyway.

The trip back to the clubhouse was quick. I lay my head against his back as he maneuvered the powerful beast beneath us with practiced precision and skill. I trusted him, I didn’t need to watch where we were going or be told when to lean. Our bodies moved together anyway.

He pulled his bike up at the clubhouse and turned it off, allowing me to climb off first before swinging his leg over the beautiful chrome motorbike and removing his helmet.

“Harmony…” he started.

I shook my head, stepping away. “Not right now.”

He followed me, his predatory eyes focused on my every move as I tried to escape the conversation that I knew was coming. I wasn’t ready for it, though. My mind still hadn’t caught up, and if he came at me now trying to discuss this crap and try and make me talk it out, I knew I might snap.

He opened his mouth and I stopped suddenly, my eyes flicking around to make sure we were alone.

I tried not to challenge Kit in front of his brothers. It was disrespectful and I was better than that. Seeing there was no one, I steeled myself and pushed my shoulders back. “No, Kit. I can’t do this right now. Not yet. Don’t push me,” I snapped at him.

His eyes narrowed slightly. “Harmony, we need to discuss this and decide what we want to do next.”

An involuntary shudder ran through me. “And we will,” I growled through clenched teeth. “But you’re gonna let me get this through my head first.”