I took a deep breath and stepped toward her, taking her hand in mine. “It’s nice to meet you,” I said quietly, unsure of where my voice had gone.
Up close, I could see the beautiful color of her eyes. They were a mixture of green and hazel, a different but stunning color that somehow made me feel warm.
“It’s great to meet you, too.”
Her gaze turned to Kit but he simply lifted his chin in greeting. “Good to meet you.”
Lisa placed her bag on the coffee table in the center of the room. “All right, let’s all have a seat shall we, and get started.” She pulled out some documents and a notebook with a pen before settling into an armchair and gesturing for us all to take a seat.
Kaci sat back on the sofa, while I sat in another single chair with Kit standing at my side. I rolled my eyes at his alpha male take-no-shit act, but Kaci so far seemed unfazed by it.
“Harmony and Kit, why don’t you tell Kaci a little about yourselves?” Lisa prompted with a smile.
Kit cleared his throat and I knew he was about to get straight to the point. “I’m the President of a motorcycle club.”
“The Brothers by Blood,” Kaci said with a small smirk. “I can see that.” Her tone was amused as she eyed his club cut.
A smile touched the corner of my mouth. “What Kit is trying to say is…” I started, rolling my eyes when he glared down at me, “… the club is our family. It’s a big, beautiful, often dysfunctional family, but it’s a part of us. And before we go any further, we need you to understand that.”
The butterflies that had been creating a soft breeze in my stomach, now felt like they were building a tornado as I waited for her response. We weren’t about to beat around the bush. Some people couldn’t handle bikers and I understood that, but we weren’t about to pretend we were something we’re not in order to get her to have our child.
I sat a little straighter when Kaci giggled. “Isn’t that exactly what a family should be? I mean, my brother was sleeping with my uncle’s wife, so if that isn’t the definition of dysfunctional, I’m not sure what is.”
Laughter fell from my mouth unexpectedly, and I looked up at Kit who couldn’t hide the smirk on his lips.
“Bet your uncle wasn’t happy about that.” Kit chuckled.
Kaci shook her head. “My brother got the beating of his life. Shoulda kept his dick in his pants.”
Lisa cleared her throat, obviously a little uncomfortable with the conversation. “Um… Kaci, how ‘bout you tell them about you and why you chose surrogacy.”
Kaci was clearly amused at Lisa’s discomfort but nodded. “I’m from Ohio. Small town, small family. Came to Montgomery when I was eighteen to study to be a midwife.”
“Why Alabama?” Kit asked.
Kaci shrugged. “I like cowboys.”
I laughed. “That was basically my reason for moving to Alabama. Then I ended up with this lot.” I threw my thumb toward Kit.
“Save a bike, ride a biker?” She chuckled and I joined her.
“Something like that.”
She placed her hands on her lap. “Basically, I love children. When I was about sixteen, I got pregnant. I chose to adopt my baby out. I don’t have an open adoption with the family, but they do send me updates on him through the adoption agency and he’s doing amazing.”
My heart went out to her. “That must have been a hard decision to make.”
She gave me a tight smile. “It was, but I know it was the best decision for the both of us at the time and I don’t regret it. Not only did I give him a life that I would’ve never been able to, but I gave a family who were told they could never have children… a son.”
I looked up at Kit. I could see the understanding and respect in his eyes. She had put her child first, knowing that there were things he needed that she simply wouldn’t be able to provide. It showed she was selfless and willing to put another life before her own.
“So why surrogacy?” Kit asked curiously. “You’ve already given up one baby. Do you think you could really handle doing it again?”
Kaci sat forward in her seat. “Being a midwife for the last few years has really given me an insight, I think. Every time I help deliver a child, I get to see the joy and elation on the parents’ faces, and feel just how much that little baby will be loved and cherished.” I could see the tears shining in her eyes as she spoke so passionately about her job. It struck a chord inside me and I felt tears begin to well. “Some people take having children for granted. But when I see two people with that much love to share, who are unable to have that, I can’t help but want to do whatever is in my power to give them that.”
I sniffed and Kit placed his hand on my shoulder, giving it a silent squeeze in support.
Kaci watched the gesture with a soft smile. “I know that it’s hard to think that someone else will be responsible for giving your baby everything it needs to grow and be born healthy. But I would protect and care for that child like it was my own.”