Bright Eyes shook her head. “No, that’s not what I meant.”

“Hadley makes me happy. Something I haven’t felt much in the last three years,” I said, hanging my head and taking a deep breath before looking back up at her. “She cares for Macy. She’d do whatever she could to protect her like she was her own, but at the same time, she’s not trying to take Kim’s place. She gets it.”

A saw a small quirk in the corner of Oz’s mouth. “Sounds like you’ve made up your mind.”

I nodded. “We’ve got time to figure shit out, but as far as I’m concerned, I ain’t letting her go. I’ll lay my shit down for her, not going to lose her to this asshole. She’s mine.”

“There’s that word again.” Hadley giggled as she stepped into the kitchen holding a freshly dressed Macy. “Always mine.”

Bright Eyes laughed, turning back to the stove and beginning to dish breakfast onto plates. “Better get used to it, honey. These boys are possessive.”

Hadley’s eyes stayed glued to mine, as Macy squirmed out of her arms and began climbing onto Oz’s lap.

I knew she’d heard what I said, and I waited for her reaction. She finally walked toward me, and I opened my arms, she stepped into my body and curled herself into me.

“Mine,” I whispered, bending my head to her ear.
