Chelsea’s shoulders sagged, as Sugar turned her back and shot back inside the store that they were standing outside of. Rose grabbed Chelsea’s hand and pulled her back toward us, but I could tell Chelsea was reluctant to leave.

“Who was the guy?” Kat asked as they joined us again on the sidewalk.

Rose shrugged. “She wouldn’t say.”

Chelsea stood staring at the building. “I wish she would talk to us. Op is so worried. And Harlyn misses her so much.”

“Does she see Harlyn?” I asked.

“Op takes her to visit for a few hours here and there, but she’s never offered more than that.” I could tell it was weighing heavy on Chelsea’s heart. She cared a lot about Harlyn, she was her step daughter. “I just don’t get it. She was an amazing mother. Then a few weeks ago, bam, she pretty much handed Harlyn off and won’t come around the club or anything. It makes no sense.”

“Hopefully, she comes forward soon, before things get too bad,” Rose said, rubbing Chelsea’s arm soothingly.

“Okay, enough of this shit,” Kat cut in, suddenly. “We are happy, we are joyous, we are celebrating your Old Man’s monster sperm taking over and producing that spawn in your belly. So let’s go shopping.”

We all looked at her stunned before breaking out into laughter. “Monster sperm?” I giggled.

Kat looked at me with complete seriousness. “Have you seen the size of that man? Imagine how big and buff his sperm is.”

I thought I caught Chelsea blush, but she covered it with her laughter.

Rose ushered us into the baby shop, the door tinkling as the bell above it rang. “I think we should take bets on how big it’s going to be. I think eight pounds.”

Kat scoffed as we made our way through the cute displays. “Did you not just hear the monster sperm discussion? That baby is going to be a twelve pounder. No doubt in my mind.”

Chelsea froze and turned slowly to face Kat. “Twelve pounds?” she whispered, the blush of her cheeks now completely vanishing and leaving her looking pale.

“Hell, yes,” Kat boasted. “Seriously, was no one listening when I said monster sperm?”

“Nuh-uh. No way,” Chelsea commented nervously, looking down at the front of her pants. “I can’t have a twelve-pound baby.”

I rolled my eyes. “How big was Harlyn when she was born? Maybe that will give you an idea.”

She scrambled for her cell phone, whipping it out of her pocket and hitting the speed dial.

I caught Rose covering her mouth, trying her best not to smile. She shook her head and strolled over to the bassinets, running her fingers over the light lace fabrics.

“Op? No, I’m fine… This is an emergency!” Chelsea said frantically into her phone.

The sales lady came over and greeted us. “Can I help you, ladies?” She was an older lady, but her smile was warm and welcoming.

Kat pointed to Chelsea. “Her baby is going to be huge. Twelve pounds. We need a crib or something that can hold that much weight.”

Chelsea’s eyes widened again. “How much did Harlyn weigh when she was born?” she asked frantically. The sales lady seemed confused, staring at Chelsea’s still basically flat stomach. “Nine pounds, Twelve ounces!” she screeched loudly.

At this stage, Rose, Kat, and I couldn’t contain ourselves any longer, filling the store with laughter while the sales lady still stared on in shock and awe.

“How is that supposed to fit out my vajayjay! Your thing is not as big as a ten-pound baby’s head, Op!” I heard the deep rumble of his voice on the other end as he attempted to calm his woman. “You try and have a baby then! I’d like to see you fire a watermelon out your ass.” She pulled the phone from her ear and mashed her fingers against the screen as she attempted to hang up on him.

Kat was clinging to the old lady shop owner, attempting not to fall over as she was laughing so hard. Rose, on the other hand, had been unsuccessful and was sitting on the ground attempting to breathe in and out through the giggles.

“I hate you all,” Chelsea growled, making sure to glare at every one of us in turn, including the old woman.

“Chill out, prego…” Kat grinned, finally calm enough to speak. “You’re like three months along and your stomach is still flat as ever. You’re not gonna have a twelve-pound baby.”

Chelsea’s brow knitted together. “I’m not?”

Rose rolled her eyes as she pulled herself off the floor. “It’s highly doubtful.”

She sighed in relief, but just as she did the sound of her phone ringing filled the silence. She groaned. “He’s going to lock me up for this.”

And the laughter began again.