I swallowed—did I ignore it, wait for him to leave, and then duck out into the night.


I needed to face them all. Thank them for everything that they’d done for me. They had shown me respect so I would give them the same.

I sighed. “Coming,” I answered, releasing the bag strap and forcing myself to my feet.

I wanted to see Leo. Part of me wanted him to yell and scream at me about how much danger I’d put Macy in. But another part wanted him to wrap me in his arms and hold me close, telling me that everything would be all right.

Inhaling through my nose, I flicked the lock on the door and pulled it open.

Leo’s hulking body filled the frame, the small tray in his hands with a plate of food and a glass of juice brought a smile to my lips.

“Don’t laugh. Skylar was bringing it down, but I wanted to come and check on you so…” He held it up, and I stepped aside so he could come through.

I pushed the door closed as he settled the tray onto my empty desk before turning to face me.

“You’re in one piece,” he said simply, his eyes grazing slowly over my body as if scanning for injuries he couldn’t see.

“Scratches, bruises, couple stitches. Nothing major,” I answered, moving back toward my bed and hefting myself onto it. “How is she?”

He swallowed, averting his eyes away before he answered, “Scared as hell. Few scratches too.”

Guilt sent a chill through me. “Leo, I’m so sor—”

“Don’t,” he snapped sternly, causing me to sit a little straighter. “We don’t know what happened. Could have had nothing to do with you.”

“You don’t really believe that, do you?” I told him, rolling my eyes.

He began to pace, back and forth in front of me. “You’re old man ain’t the only one with a grudge against the club, Hadley. There are plenty people out there who want to try and hurt us. Don’t let this rest on your shoulders.”

It was too late.

It already was.

Even if those men weren’t Simon’s lackeys, eventually, hewouldsend someone after me. That was a very real truth.

And was I prepared to let these people possibly take a fall for me?

Not now.

Not when they had become more than just a wall between Simon and me. They’d become friends. I looked up at Leo, and his eyes met mine. They’d become more than friends.

I remembered how Leo felt inside me, how his touch burned against my skin, heating my body to the point where I felt I might explode. It had never been like that, I’d never felt that intense emotion from just one touch.

I craved more.

I wanted him.

“I joined the military straight out of high school,” he started, surprising me with his words. “Hardest thing I ever had to do was walk away from Kim. But I felt like it was in my blood, that it was just something that was a part of me, that I had to do.”

He scuffed his hand across the top of his head like he was searching for the right words to say.

“My dad was in the army. He died on tour when I was just a kid, maybe like four or five. I got a little brother who’s still fighting. Haven’t seen him for nearly two years.”

“And your mom?” I asked softly, eager to hear his story even though I knew it was hard for him to get the words out.

“She moved to Seattle. Can’t travel, so Macy has only met her a few times. Try to talk on the phone as often as possible, but I don’t make the time for her that I should.” He hung his head shamefully, but I knew exactly how he felt. With the tension between my step dad and me, I didn’t make enough time to speak with my mom or visit her. And growing up, we’d been so close.