The way her ass moved as she’d walked out the door just minutes ago played on my mind. It was round and toned. My hands twitched as I thought about how it would feel in my hands.

“Leo.” My daydream was cut short as Op addressed me. “Anything else you want to bring up?”

I shook off my haze. “Kit and the boys ride in Wednesday morning. Got in extra security from the firm for the gate so our boys can have some time hanging out with the family and brothers.”

Op nodded. “Good plan. We could all use it.”

The boys from Troy were riding in to celebrate Op and Chelsea’s baby news. It was always a good time when other brothers came in. The club was like an extended family.

“Rose said Chelsea’s still concerned about your monster baby coming out her snatch.” Blizzard laughed.

Optimus groaned. “Gonna be the fucking death of me,” he mumbled. “All right, get out.”

Laughter followed out the door and down the hall, as I went in search of my baby girl and the woman who I couldn’t help but feel intrigued by.

I wanted to know more about her.

Everything about her.

Including how that ass would feel in my hands.