“Stop, please,” He pleaded before spotting Harmony standing on the patio laughing hysterically. “Harm, help me out here!”

“You’re on your own!” she called back.

Voices filled the clubhouse and the backyard for hours. There was a lot of laughter and memories shared. But no more tears. We’d said our goodbyes to Slider, and now it was time to celebrate his life.

“When are you due?” Callie asked Chelsea.

“I’m only fourteen weeks,” Chelsea replied, sipping her lemonade. Callie tilted her head, looking at the bulge with confusion. Chelsea laughed. “I’m having twins.”

“Oh!” Callie said excitedly. “Wow, that’s great!”

“I’m going to get another drink,” Harmony commented quietly as the two women began to gush about pregnancy. I frowned, pushing out of my chair and following her inside and into the kitchen. She braced her hands on the counter and hung her head between her arms.

“Are you okay?”

She shook her head. “No,” she whispered softly. I walked over and placed my hand on her back, rubbing softly. “We’ve been trying to get pregnant.”

“Sometimes it can take a while,” I offered.

She shook her head again. “It happened twice and both times it was ectopic.” Her voice caught. “It was lucky that we caught them early, and there’s this medicine they can give you to…”

She didn’t have to say the words.

“Oh, Harmony,” I whispered.

“Kit refuses to do it anymore. I don’t think either of us could go through that for a third time.” Tears dripped onto her cheeks.

“There are other options. Adoption maybe.”

“I don’t know,” she whispered.

I pulled her into my arms, understanding now why whenever Oz mentioned them having grandbabies that she brushed it off, and now, getting upset seeing Chelsea with hers and Op’s babies in her.

She wants to be happy for her friend, but she’s still hurting too.

“It’ll happen, some way, some how,” I told her, squeezing her tightly before I stepped back. “You stay here, I’ll send Kit in.”

She smiled and sniffed. “Thanks, Hadley.”

I pushed my way out the doors, weaving and ducking through the maze of people until I spotted Kit sitting at a picnic table outside by the fire with Leo, Optimus, Switch and another of the Royal Rebels.

I tapped Kit on the shoulder, and he turned. “Harmony needs you. She’s in the kitchen,” I told him quietly.

He stood up fast. “She okay?”

“Too much baby talk,” I said with a sad smile.

I watched his face sink. “Thanks.” He threw over his shoulder as he took off toward the clubhouse. I sighed before moving closer to Leo and leaning over his back as he chatted with Switch.

“Hey baby,” he said softly.

“Macy needs to go to bed soon,” I told him. It was dark and getting late, but the kids were running around like they had all the energy in the world. “Who’s been feeding them sugar?”

“Blizzard got the ice-cream out,” Op laughed.

“Awesome,” I grumbled.

Just as I was about to go and find Blizzard and give him a piece of my mind, the sounds of a motorcycle filled the air over the music.