I noticed the way Optimus clenched his fists. I looked up at Leo, curious to know what the tension was about, but he shook his head. “Later.”

I turned back to Blizzard. “He never really told me what the doctors had said. But yeah, there’s a high possibility he might not make it.” I laid it out for them. It was the truth. Slider may not pull out of this alive. For now, there were some options, but cancer was unpredictable at the best of times. It destroyed people’s hope, their families, their lives. And then it destroyed them.

When the men didn’t respond, I asked, “Can I see him?”

Leo patted me on the butt. “How ‘bout we deal with one drama at a time.”

“This place is turning into a regular soap opera,” Blizzard grumbled as we followed him inside the clubhouse.

Rose jumped up from a table where she sat with Jayla, rushing over to give me a hug. I giggled.

“I’m glad you got back okay,” she said as she stepped back.

I sighed. “Me too. But unfortunately, we’re no better off than we were when we left.”

“Not true. At least I have a workable plan now,” Leo interrupted.

“That you won’t inform me of,” I said, screwing up my nose.

“That being said…” Op cut in, “…let’s get into church and talk some shit out.”

Leo nodded, bending to kiss me on the cheek. “Won’t be long, go upstairs and try to get some rest. I’m gonna leave Macy at Carly’s tonight.” Then he was gone, following the boys out of the room.

I followed Rose over to the table where Jayla sat, tickling the young girl under the chin as I said hello and earning a giggle from her.

I sat down. “Thanks for calling Angelo,” I told her as she picked up a marker, helping Jay with the picture she was coloring.

She looked up and smiled. “When Blizzard said you guys were moving up the east coast, I knew he’d be able to get to you quickly. Angelo is good like that.”

I rolled my shoulders, trying to ease the tension that had built up in them over the past week. “His lady friend, Emerson I think her name was, she gave me these clothes.”

Rose’s eyes widened. “Did you say Emerson?”

I frowned. “I’m pretty sure he said her name was Emerson.”

“Holy shit,” she murmured.

“Umm… okay. So who is she?” I asked, sitting forward. Angelo was mysterious. He had a darkness that surrounded him, but he was only ever polite to me for the small amount of time we were with him.

Rose swallowed. “My cousin.”

I sat up straight. “Woah. Woah. Woah. Isn’t Angelo part of your family?”

She shook her head. “Uncle Anthony took Angelo in when he was young, brought him up as a son. This is why his loyalty is to the DePalmas. Anthony was like his father, I’m not sure what happened with his real parents.”

“And Emerson?”

“Belongs to Anthony’s younger brother Antonio. He doesn’t have much to do with the family business. He built his own empire in hotels and resorts. From what I’ve caught, he distanced himself from the mafia side of the family. He attends family gatherings, but he refuses to have any part.”

“You can just step out of things like that?”

Rose shrugged. “I’m not sure. I’ve only met him and Emerson once, and there didn’t seem to be any animosity between Antonio and Anthony.”

“I’m sure there might be if Antonio figures out his daughter is screwing Angelo.”

Rose nodded. “Me too. That’s why I’m surprised. That and Emerson must be barely twenty-one. Angelo is like forty.”

“Well, that sounds like a whole mess I don’t want to be involved in.” I laughed.