Chapter Thirty-Four

Angelo shook his head, a quiet smile on his lips. “How’d you manage to get yourself in this predicament?” he asked, sipping at his coffee.

“I can’t say,” I told him. All I’d done was explain that Hadley’s husband was in the FBI, and he wanted her gone.

“But I’m assuming you have your own people on the inside.”

I nodded. “We do, but it seems their superiors think he’s doing a stand-up job and won’t intervene.”

Angelo hummed, his eyes seemingly far away as he took in the small amount of information Op had granted me to share.

Hadley was still asleep. I’d managed to get five hours before my brain was awake and running over everything that had happened. It wasn’t ideal, but it was enough to keep me awake and alert.

“You know I can’t step in here,” Angelo said finally. “Anthony would not allow it because it does not directly impact on Rose.”

“Yeah, I figured as much.”

I wasn’t expecting Angelo to gear up and stand beside us in a war. What he had done by finding us a place to stay was enough for now.

“She worth it?” I looked up to find him facing me with his head tilted to the side curiously.

“More than worth it,” I answered without hesitation.

“Then you’ll figure it out.”

We sat in silence for a few minutes before I heard a throat clear. Hadley stood in the entrance to the kitchen.

“Hey, baby.”

“Morning,” she said softly, walking over and stepping into my open arms.

Angelo stood from his seat at the table, holding his hand out to her. “We weren’t introduced last night. My name is Angelo.”

She took his hand. “Hadley. It’s nice to meet you. Thank you for helping us out.”

He nodded. “Rose was insistent that since you’d been there for her before, that I help you now.”

Hadley turned in my arms. “What do we do now?”

I pressed on her shoulders, pushing her down onto the stool at the breakfast counter. “Right now, you eat. Then we make a plan.”

Angelo stepped around to the other side, pushing a plate of food across to her. “Emerson said to help yourself to food or coffee. She also laid out some clothes in the bathroom next to your room just in case. Take what you need.”

“That’s very kind. Thank you,” Hadley said as she began picking at the food.

I smirked at Angelo. “And who is this Emerson?”

Angelo’s expression stayed the same, not giving away any kind of emotion. “A woman close to my heart.”

“Like Rose?” I enquired.

“No,” he answered simply before heading for the door. “I’ll be back down soon, and we can discuss your next move.”

With that he was gone. This Emerson was obviously someone he held close. I sensed a story, but I knew it was one I most likely wouldn’t hear. It’s not like Angelo and I were best buds. We were lucky he was helping us out at all.

“What is our next move?” Hadley asked quietly.

“We keep running,” I answered.