I just stared at him in the darkness of the truck.

“They tried to tell me they were FBI,” I whispered. “But I knew the badges were fake.”

He listened to me explain what had happened shortly before he showed up.

“They were trying to kill me.”

His face grew angry. “Seems that way.”

Leo pulled his phone from his pocket, dialing a number and hitting the speakerphone button.

It rang and rang, and I recognized Optimus’ voice when he picked up. “Yeah?”

“We ran into a problem,” Leo said sharply.

“You guys okay?” Op asked, seeming more alert.

“For now, I think so.” His eyes flicked to me. “There’s a couple dead bodies outside our room at the motel.”

“They after Hadley?”

“Yeah. She took one out, I got there in time to get rid of the other. Made it out just before the cops showed. Hadley said they were carrying fake FBI badges, saying Judge sent them to look out for her,” Leo explained, his hands gripping the steering wheel.

“How’d they know where you were?” Op asked.

“That’s what I need to know,” Leo answered. “Call Judge. See if he can find something. Maybe Simon has more pull than we thought.”

“Okay. I’ll call you back soon,” he answered before the line went dead.

“He found us,” I whispered, my heart beginning to race again. I wanted to vomit.

Things had seemed so simple before. We outrun them, we hide, we wait for time to tick over. But it wasn’t so simple anymore.

He’d actually found us.

And now we weren’t just hiding out, we were running for our lives.

“He won’t get to you,” Leo said, promise evident just by his words.

But I knew better.

I knew Simon.

He wasn’t going to give up until I was dead.