Chapter Twenty-Nine

“More?” I asked Op, tucking my cell phone between my ear and my shoulder as I buckled my belt, stepping into the bathroom attached to our room.

“Yeah. Every second day since you left,” he told me, his voice tense. There was shit going on back at the club. I wish I were there with my brothers, but protecting Hadley was my priority at the moment. “Seems like our calculations might have been wrong. They’re speeding up.”

“Or something’s happened, and he needs to get it done sooner than he expected,” I said, more to myself as I attempted to figure out the puzzle that was being thrown at us.

“I know the packages are being sent here, but maybe it’s time you moved. If he’s desperate, he’s smart enough to do something to try and throw us off.”

It made sense.

We’d been in Troy for almost five days. Today we were finally taking the trip down to see Hadley’s parents. After this set of packages, I was beginning to think that we wouldn’t return to Troy after the visit. We would move on. To where? I wasn’t sure.

“I think Macy needs to come back. This is getting too serious for me to have her around,” I told Op, knowing he would understand, having his own little girl.

“Talk to Bright Eyes. I’m sure she and Oz won’t mind taking the trip,” he answered.

I felt a warm hand against my bare back and swung around to see Hadley smiling at me, a silk gown wrapped around her body. She was smiling until she saw my face, quickly switching to a frown.

“I’ll chat to them now, and let you know whether to expect them,” I told Op, my eyes holding with my woman’s. “Speak soon.”

“Yeah, brother,” he answered before the line went dead.

“What’s going on?” Hadley asked, stepping forward and wrapping her arms around my waist.

I dropped my lips to her head. “More packages. It’s time to move, seems like things are speeding up.”

She leaned away, looking up at me. “That can’t be right.”


“Simon plans, he likes order, deviating from that isn’t his style,” she said, her brow creased in confusion.

“Maybe he has pressure on him, he’s panicking,” I stated, thinking maybe this was actually a good thing. If he was in over his head and beginning to scramble, we could have the upper hand. Stressful situations cause people to make mistakes if they can’t keep their heads clear.

“Are we still going to see my mom?” I felt the sadness in her voice, but she was trying to put on a brave face.

I cupped her cheek with my hand, looking down into her beautiful doe eyes. Sweetness radiating from Hadley, she made me want to touch her with gentle hands. I wanted to care for her. But at the same time, she was sexy, and held herself with pride and determination. And fuck me, if that didn’t make me want to pound my cock inside her so hard.

“Yeah, baby. We’re still going. But afterward, we move on. Find somewhere new,” I told her, grazing my thumb across her heated cheeks. “Gonna ask Oz if they’ll take Macy back to Athens, though. If things are coming to a head, it’s better if she’s there and safe.”

I saw her cringe. I knew she hated the fact that she was putting my girl in danger. The guilt she felt when they were chased still weighs heavily on her, despite none of us knowing if they really were there for her or not.

If they were, surely Simon would have sent more men by now. And ones who knew what they were doing. Not bumbling goons.

I loved that she cared so much about my baby girl. There were too many people out there who would only think of themselves in a dangerous situation. Self-preservation and staying alive came to the forefront more often than not. But for Hadley, she risked her life for the people she cared about, just like my brothers would do for each other in times of need.

Which was why I knew, without a doubt, I needed her and wanted her at my side. Her loyalty was unwavering.

“That’s a good idea,” she said quietly, averting her eyes.

I curled my fingers around her chin, forcing her face to look up at me. When I had her full attention, I dipped my head, claiming her mouth with all the passion I had inside me. Her nails pierced my skin, and she leaned into the kiss.

She could feel me, everything I was giving her, and she was a willing participant. She took it all, allowing it to light her body on fire and bathed in the warmth.

My free hand slipped inside her gown, her silky soft skin feeling like heaven against my fingertips. She was wearing nothing underneath, due to the fact I’d already claimed her body and given her two breathtaking orgasms this morning, the flush still present on her skin.

“Daddy,” a soft voice came from the doorway of the bathroom causing us to break apart. I looked over Hadley’s head to see Macy standing in the doorway, rubbing at her sleepy eyes.