Tally cleared his throat. “Wouldn’t call it a thing.”

“It’s a thing,” I cut in.

“I think it’s great if you’re a thing,” Harmony said patting his hand.

He whipped it away, his eyes looking around nervously. “I’m pretty sure it’s not a thing.”

“It’s a thing,” I repeated.

“Leo!” he called, his eyes boring into mine with forced agitation. “Come get your woman.”

I heard his deep laughter from behind me before I felt his hand at my waist. “Already causing trouble.”

I snorted, causing everyone to laugh. “He denies him and Kat are a thing.”

Leo looked up at Tally, who I could tell was maybe just starting to click. “There’s definitely a thing, bro.”

Tally opened his mouth to fight back, but he froze. “Fuck.”

Pulling his phone from his pocket, he dialed at high speed before holding it to his ear. We all held our breath as we watched on. His fingers stopped tapping when I assumed she answered.

He licked his lips nervously. “Are we a thing?” When he looked over his shoulder to see us watching him in anticipation, his eyes widened, and he scurried down the bar and out of the room.

“Did he really not know?” I asked, watching the spot where he had disappeared.

“Tally has always been love ‘em and leave ‘em,” Leo explained, taking my beer and throwing it back until the bottle was empty. “He’s probably scared shitless right now.”

“He reminds me so much of Slider,” Harmony chuckled, her laughter fading quickly. She took a moment to think about her words before shaking her head and forcing a smile. “Anyone need another drink?” She ducked behind the bar, making herself busy.

“Wish I’d had time to talk to him before we left,” I said to no one in particular. Rose had promised to keep me updated, and Leo was checking in with Optimus regularly, but it still didn’t change the fact that I’d left with tensions high between us.

I cared about Slider. I wanted him to make it through this. I somewhat understood his reasoning in keeping it to himself, but he’d forced my hand and I knew inside that letting his brothers know what was going on with him was the right thing to do.

I didn’t regret it.

I just felt guilty about how it had happened.

“Leo!” a high voice called from across the room. I looked up to see a pretty young girl bouncing through the crowd toward us, an excited smile on her face. Her eyes were focused on the man standing at my side, never leaving him as she came closer. My curiosity piqued, and I looked to Harmony and Del with a raised eyebrow.

They both shook their heads, interesting me even more.

The girl bounced over to the bar. Her hair was bleached blonde and cut in a short pixie style. She was cute, short and slim.

“Hey,” Leo greeted her as she threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly before stepping back.

“Couldn’t keep away, huh?” she jested with a giggle.

“Something like that.”

She seemed sweet enough, reminding me of a cowboy styled Tinkerbelle with her brown boots, short hair, and denim mini.

“Andrea, this is Hadley,” Harmony said, realizing Leo wasn’t going to do the introductions.

I smiled. “Nice to meet you,” I tell her, offering my hand.

She returns the gesture, and we shake. “You too. What brings you to Troy?”

“I’m from the Athens chapter,” I tell her, not giving too much away. “Needed a little help and Kit was kind enough to offer to take us in for a bit.”