Chapter Twenty-Eight

“This is probably going to sound stupid since we are kinda on the run for my life…” I started, looking at Leo nervously, “…but do you think we’ll have time to visit my mom while we are down here.”

He raised an eyebrow at me curiously. “They live around here?”

“Not really, Panama City. It’s about a two and a half hour drive. But I’m hardly ever this close.”

It would be nice to see my mom again. I hadn’t for so long.

My mom and step dad Keith had only ever met Simon once. They hadn’t even come to our wedding. With all the undercover work going on, I felt it was safer for them to not be involved. If shit hit the fan with Judge’s club, people were going to get hurt.

It had been okay until Keith had told me he didn’t think Simon was the right man. I knew he wasn’t trying to be cruel, but I was in love, I thought that he was my forever. But obviously, Keith had seen something I hadn’t. And maybe if I’d just listened, things wouldn’t have reached this point.

“Guess it wouldn’t hurt to move ourselves around for a day or two, keep things interesting,” Leo answered. “I’ll chat to Kit and Op first, and see if they’re good with that.”

“Thanks,” I said with a smile, reaching over and taking his free hand.

As we pulled up to the club, I realized it was a little different than back in Athens. The Athens chapter had an old style hotel come bed and breakfast set up on the outskirts of town.

The Troy chapter, on the other hand, was established in an industrial area in what reminded me of a massive old warehouse.

Kit and Harmony pulled up, and Harmony jumped off as Kit backed his bike in next to the long row of others. I followed her inside as Leo stopped to chat with a couple club members who had stepped out of a large roller door to greet him.

“The travelers return!” a sweet voice called as we stepped inside. Music was already playing in the background, and the drinks were flowing as the men who’d made the trip up to Athens were welcomed back by their brothers.

A beautiful blonde woman strode over to us with a smile and threw her arms around Harmony. “Welcome back.”

Harmony laughed, pulling back. “Thanks. This is Hadley. She’s going to be staying with us for a bit. Hadley, this is Del.”

I held my hand out, and she took it in hers. “Nice to meet you,” I greeted.

“Likewise, honey. You here alone?” she asked with her head tilted.

“She’s here with Leo,” Harmony shot in with a smirk.

Del raised her brows. “Thought Leo didn’t have an Old Lady.”

“You know these boys…” Harmony started as she pulled on my hand, “…they see something they want, they gotta have it.” She guided me into a bar stool, and I shook my head with a smile.

Del and Harmony sat either side of me. “You get the speech?” Del asked.


She nodded, clearing her throat and lowering her voice. “You’re mine now, I look after what’s mine, no fucking anyone else, ‘cause you’re mine. And if I forgot to tell you… mine.”

I couldn’t stop the laughter that bubbled from my throat. “Something to that extent.”

One of the guys placed three bottles of beer on the bar before quickly disappearing again before I could say thank you.

“Do you think they all practice that speech for when the time comes? I swear it’s a part of the brotherhood bylaws that when claiming a woman you must say ‘mine’ at least six times.” Harmony giggled as she grabbed a beer.

“Pretty sure the bylaws say seven, so these boys are slacking,” Tally answers, appearing behind the bar with a smirk.

“How was Kat when you had to come home?” I asked casually, taking a pull on my beer. The ice cold liquid swished down my throat with ease after a long day.

Harm and Del both tried to hide their laughter when Tally’s smile faltered.

“Ooh Kat? You have a thing?” Harmony asked excitedly.