“I’ll take this shit upstairs,” Kit offered, taking the bags from my hands. “Go make sure Mom isn’t giving your girl the third degree.”

I laughed, following the sounds of voices as he walked up to the bedrooms.

Leaning against the doorframe, I watched as Oz and Bright Eyes sat on the floor with Macy, a shit load of toys surrounding them. Macy looked up at me with a wide grin, almost like it was Christmas morning.

“We didn’t know what she liked,” Bright Eyes offered with a shrug.

“You get the whole toy store?”

Oz chuckled. “You know women and their shopping.”

Bright Eye’s glared at him. “Says the man who wanted to buy the playhouse and jungle gym, and get the boys to put it together out in the backyard.”

Oz was unashamed, answering her accusations with a shrug. “We gonna have our own grandkids some day.” He raised his voice a little louder. “Right, Harmony?”

“I’m not listening!” she called back from where I guessed she was in the kitchen.

He huffed, mumbling under his breath. “You’d think with the amount of fucking those two did, they’d be breeding like rabbits.”

“You’d think with the amount of fucking you and Mom did, you could have made me a brother or sister or something,” Kit commented, stepping past me.

Bright Eyes pushed off the floor and walked over to her son, tapping him lightly on the cheek. “Can’t duplicate perfection.”

I laughed. “That’s what you call perfection?”

Kit turned to me, pointing his middle finger at me.

Harmony and Hadley both step out of the kitchen carrying bottles of water. Harmony raised her brow at her in-laws. “Yeah, how come you two never had any more children?” She took a drink of her water, eyeing them both carefully.

With the amount of love Oz had for kids, you sure would think he’d have had more, possibly a whole army.

“They found me!” Tie said, stepping around me with a wide smile. “And they just knew it wasn’t going to get any better than this.”

He turned and caught my hand in his, pulling our chests together in a manly hug.

Tie was like Kit’s little brother. Oz and Bright Eyes had adopted him after finding him living on the streets at age fourteen.

Kit always talks about how smart he is, and how they’d pushed him to go to college and use his brains for something important. But instead, the moment he’d been allowed to prospect for the club, he’d grabbed it with both hands and never looked back. He chose to support the family who’d taken him in, and given him a life he may have never had before.

That was true love.

Bright Eye’s rolled her eyes and her youngest son’s cocky attitude. “I should have had girls.”

“Hell no,” Oz growled.

Tie turned back to me with laughter in his eyes. “You two gonna come to the clubhouse for a few drinks tonight?”

I looked over to Hadley, who’d been surprisingly quiet and raised my eyebrows.

She smiled. “You go, I can stay and watch Macy.”

She stepped back as I started walking toward her, my eyes focused on hers and purpose in my step. Harmony glided to the side smoothly as I backed Hadley against the wall. “Woman, you ain’t a club girl anymore. You’re an Old Lady. We ain’t got someone to watch Macy, we’ll stay home.”

She stared me down. It wasn’t a look of defiance or objection to my words, but more that she was suddenly beginning to realize just how serious I was about this whole thing.

Macy was mine, but taking Hadley as my Old Lady also meant that Macy wasours. We were a couple, and we had been asked to go down to the club together, to have a couple drinks with my brothers.

So if we didn’t have someone to watch Macy, we’d politely decline.