Chapter Twenty-Seven

The drive to Troy was long, mainly because I hated the feeling of being caged inside the car for extended periods of time. I was used to the positioning on my bike and being able to maneuver around the road easily. Sitting in Blizzard’s truck made my body ache, and I was easily frustrated by other motorists when I couldn’t simply pull out and fly past them with ease.

Hadley sat in the back with Macy for most of the drive, until she fell asleep about an hour out of Troy. I was relieved when we reached town, and followed the boys through the suburbs, pulling up outside a large two story country style home. It had large windows and a deck that stretched around the entire bottom level.

You’d think any normal suburban couple lived there, with its white panels and blue accents. But you’d be wrong.

“Couldn’t stay away!” a deep thick accented voice boomed from the doorway as we climbed out of the truck.

I laughed and shook my head. Oz was originally from Australia. He’d been a part of the Brothers over there until he met Bright Eyes and followed her back to the states. He was respected high and low, members had flocked from different parts of the country to serve under his lead, and he’d only recently stepped down to let Kit take over.

“You know me, I like to keep shit interesting,” I answered as he made his way down the staircase.

Kit and Harmony parked beside us, while the rest of the boys revved their engines and pulled away, no doubt heading back to the clubhouse. I gave them a wave in thanks as they passed.

“Where’s that girl of yours?” he asked, strolling up to the side of the truck and peering in the back window. “Harmony is slacking off in the grandchild department so, for now, I’m gonna borrow Macy.”

“Hey!” Harmony protested as she pulled off her helmet. “I heard that old man.”

I caught a small smirk from underneath Oz’s large beard. “You hear how she talks to me?”

We all laughed. I’d seen first-hand just how much love Oz and Bright Eyes had for Harmony. They absolutely adored her. Possibly because not only was she sweet and caring, but strong enough to stand beside Kit with her back straight and her head high.

Harmony had been a club girl, but Kit had seen something in her that he knew he couldn’t be without. Her passion for the club meant she was the perfect Old Lady.

Hadley made her way around the truck, and Oz turned to her with a studying gaze. “You must be the one who trapped Leo’s balls in a jar.”

I smirked and folded my arms across my chest, curious to see how she would take Oz’s brash nature.

Hadley just laughed. “I’ll let him borrow them from time to time.”

Oz’s booming laughter startled Macy and she sat up, her eyes blinking as she tried to figure out what was going on through her sleepy haze. I opened the door and unbuckled her. She reached out to me and I pulled her into my arms, her head tucked tightly in under my chin as she tried to make out what was going on.

“Well, hello there beautiful,” Oz cooed, uncharacteristically.

I laughed, knowing Macy was staring at him, studying him.

He was wearing his club cut, while no longer the president, he was still a member and the club was his life. You’d have to rip that cut off his cold dead body before he’d give up wearing it.

It wasn’t long before Macy was reaching her arms out to him. The smile that beamed on his face was priceless, and he held his arms out and took her in. My girl knew, she could tell when someone wasn’t safe and when someone could be trusted. Especially, if she saw them wearing Brothers by Blood colors. She was forever seeking out the boys and asking for a cuddle or trying to guilt them into playing with her with her beautiful bright eyes and dimples.

Oz hooked Macy on to his hip and carried her back toward the house. “Bright Eyes! Look what I got!” he called as he climbed the stairs and disappeared inside.

I looked over to Kit, who shook his head and laughed.

“For God’s sake man, give that man some grandkids.”

Harmony snorted but didn’t say anything. Kit just rolled his eyes and came over to help as I pulled the bags from the truck.

Harmony grabbed Hadley’s hand and pulled her toward the house. She looked over her shoulder at me and smiled with a shrug.

I shook my head.

“Thanks for this, man.”

“You know you don’t need to thank me,” he answered, throwing Hadley’s backpack over his shoulder as I carried mine and Macy’s bags. “You guys helped when Harm was in trouble. We’re brothers, right.”

I just nodded. He was right. We were brothers. Didn’t matter if we weren’t part of the same chapter. We lived by the same rules and beliefs. We were family.