I sensed her hesitation. “But…”

She cringed as she swallowed like there was a huge lump in her throat.

I understood now. “He wants more,” I continued, keeping my voice low.

She eyed me for a second. I could see her mulling over in her mind about whether she could trust me. This being only the second time we had met.

I let her make her own decision about me, turning my attention back to Macy as she attempted to undress a Barbie doll.

It was a few minutes before Meyah finally spoke again, “I don’t know if I’m ready,” she whispered, shuffling a little closer. “He’s done it before. I think he expects it.”

“Never feel like you have to give him anything,” I told her quietly, meeting her eyes. “It’s your body, your choice. Oneyouhave to live with forever, not him.”

She chewed on her lip. “Maybe I want to.”

“Maybe you should talk to your mom?” I offered, thinking that that was the best approach to this.

Meyah laughed. “She would lock me up and throw away the key. She got pregnant young. So for her, abstinence is the only option.” She rolled her eyes as if she knew just how unrealistic and naïve the idea was.

I agreed.

Telling teens not to have sex was not the way to approach things. They rebel, and there’s so much pressure on them from their peers that they will go into it blind if they think it will make them like everyone else.

They needed to be prepared. If they know the risks and how to be safe, then they were less likely to make a mistake that would possibly impact on the rest of their lives.

I lowered my voice and made sure her eyes were on me before I spoke. I knew it wasn’t really my place, but Leo cared about Meyah. A lot. I knew that he would want her safe.

“Always use protection,” I said seriously. “He tries to get away without it, you tell him no. If you mean as much to him as you think, he should respect that. If you’re uncomfortable… you step away, you tell him no. He does anything you don’t like, you tell someone you trust.”

Her hands rubbed nervously against her jeans.

“You think he would?”

I shook my head. “I’m just saying, you have a very scary uncle up there that would step up for you in a heartbeat. Don’t think that you have to deal with something alone. You don’t.”

She nodded, listening intently to what I was telling her.

“I really like him.”

I smiled. “That’s really great, Meyah.”

“Are you and Uncle Leo like a couple now?” she asked suddenly, her head tilted to the side.

I looked at Macy out of the corner of my eyes but saw she was seriously engrossed in her dolls. Turning back to Meyah, I nodded. “We aren’t telling your mom just yet,” I said softly, hoping she’d understand.

“You keep my secret, I’ll keep yours.” She grinned.

I chuckled. “Deal.”

We both watched Macy play quietly for a few minutes before she spoke up again, “I really want them to be happy,” she said, her eyes focused on her baby cousin.

I could hear the love and adoration in her voice.

“Me too,” I answered with a smile. “Me too.”