Chapter Twenty-Six

I stepped out of the shower just as Leo opened the bathroom door and came inside.

The mood had changed dramatically, I could feel it.

“Felt like I needed to apologize,” he said gruffly, propping himself against the vanity as I wrapped a towel around my body.

I frowned. “For what?”

“When I heard what he was saying, I got defensive and accused you of doing shit that I knew you wouldn’t do.”

Sighing, I began to rub the fluffy blue towel over my body. “This won’t work if you don’t trust me.”

“I trust you,” he answered quickly. “You think I’d leave Macy with you, or ask you to be my Old Lady if I didn’t trust you?”

I shook my head but concentrated on removing the water from my bare skin.

“I’m meant to be able to trust my brothers with my life, to know without a question that they are watching out for me,” he continued, hanging his head. “I don’t doubt them or question them, because as soon as we start to doubt each other, our brotherhood falls apart. Our family falls apart.”

“I begged him to tell you,” I said quietly.

There was silence in the small space.

“When I came looking for you that night…” I cleared my throat and looked up, meeting his eyes, “…I haven’t been with anyone since that first time with you.”

He nodded, rolling his shoulders as if the tension was leaving them. “He should have never put that burden on you. It wasn’t fair.”

Tucking the towel around me, I walked over to where he stood. I could tell this was rattling him, it was going to affect the whole club. I hoped that Slider took the support around him, and used it to lift him up and that he didn’t push it away. He needed them, and they needed him. Pushing them away was only going to cause more tension.

“He’s scared,” I told Leo, taking his hand.

He sighed heavily. “So am I.”

We stood there for a few moments, he squeezed my hand, showing me that he appreciated the support. If there was one thing I’d learned during my time here, it was that these men and their hearts were pure.

Scary on the outside with their tattoos and rough looks, but just like anyone else out there, all they wanted was to love and support their family in any way possible. But this was even more than that. Their family wasn’t just the women they fell in love with, their children, or their blood relations.

It was every single person here.

The bonds they had ran deeper than just blood.

It was loyalty and trust, sacrifice and honor.

“Get dressed,” he finally said, dipping his head and pressing his lips to my forehead. “Meet me downstairs.”

I hurried to put my clothes on, knowing that there were things Leo needed to sort before we left for Troy.

Just as I stepped out of the bedroom, Harmony was closing Optimus’ door behind her. She hit me with a broad smile. “I called it,” she said, causing me to laugh.

She fell in step with me as we walked down the hall. “Guess you did.”

“Kit said you’ll be joining us for a while.”

I nodded. “For a little bit, not sure how long. I think he said he’d try to get us a stay with Oz or something? I’m not sure who that is.”

Harmony chuckled. “Oz and Bright Eyes are Kit’s parents. They have a big home, and it’ll be more comfortable for Macy while you guys are there.”

“Sounds good. She’s so excited about coming with us.” My stomach tightened. “I really hope nothing happens while she’s there. She’s been through enough.”