My body moved forward, wanting desperately to go after him as he stomped quickly up the staircase, but Leo held me back. I looked up at him, my vision blurred through tears. Leo shook his head, pulling me back against him and wrapping his strong arms around me. The feeling of betrayal sat heavy in my stomach as I pressed my face into Leo’s chest.

Op shook his head, finally looking up to us. “Both of you. My office.Now.” He grabbed Chelsea’s hand as he stormed past, brothers and club girls stepping out of his path, and Chelsea hurrying to keep up.

Leo sighed deeply, his lips brushing the top of my head. “Come on.”

I closed the door behind me as we stepped inside Optimus’ office. He sat in his chair behind his desk with Chelsea on his lap. She attempted to smile at me, but it was forced, the tears dripping down her cheeks a dead giveaway.

Leo and I both took the chairs that sat on the opposite side of the desk. I sunk into it, my body feeling overwhelmed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to happen like this.”

“How long have you known?” Optimus asked.

“Since I went shopping with the girls the other weekend,” I answered. “We went to my room, he couldn’t…” I cringed, not wanting to explain. It was bad enough that I’d outed him, but to have to tell them he couldn’t get hard just seemed like I would be kicking him while he was down. By the looks on their faces, they understood, though.

“When he was dressing, I noticed a mark on his stomach,” I explained. “My dad went through hormone therapy during his cancer. When he came back trying to explain, I asked him, and he caved.”

“Why didn’t he tell us?” Chelsea said, the hurt in her voice noticeable.

“He didn’t want to be cut off. He said the club was all he had left, and if he told you, you’d make him rest and wouldn’t allow him to do his job.” I sighed. “He doesn’t want to be treated differently. But it’s getting to the point where he’s just not strong enough. He needs support, he’s just being stubborn.”

Leo reached across and placed his hand over mine.

Optimus nodded as though he understood. “We should have picked it up sooner.”

I shook my head. “He was good at hiding it. He knew that people would start to notice something when he wasn’t banging club girls left and right. So he came to me, made it look like he was.”

My throat tightened as I looked over at Leo. His brow was scrunched up in a frustrated scowl like he finally saw the pieces fall into place.

“We need to pack,” Leo said, turning his gaze to Optimus. “You need anything else from Hadley?”

Op scrubbed his hair, and Chelsea placed her hand on his cheek, trying to ease his agitation. But it wasn’t with me. He wasn’t upset that I hadn’t spoken up earlier. He understood the position I’d been put in. And I was thankful.

“Nah. Go get your shit ready. I don’t even know how to deal with this.”

I cleared my throat, drawing his attention. “Can I make a suggestion?”

He nodded.

“Support him, but don’t cut him off. He doesn’t want to be treated like he’s dying. He needs shit to keep his mind occupied, but he’s also getting weak, so watch out for him.”

Chelsea gave me a soft smile. “Thanks, Hadley.”

Leo pulled me to my feet and guided me to the door.

“He gonna die?” I heard Op’s voice ask from behind me.

Leo and I both froze.

Swallowing against the lump in my throat, I turned my head to look over my shoulder. Optimus was a strong leader, he had to be. His men looked up to him, they trusted him and relied on him to make decisions that were best for the club.

But right now, all I could see was a man who was concerned about losing a friend, a member of his family.

“I don’t know,” I answered honestly. “I don’t know.”