Maybe I’d read it all wrong. Maybe Slider’s feelings for me were more than just someone to lean on. I never wanted to hurt him, I thought he could see that we were friends. I cared about him, I wanted him to be healthy and to live, hating to see him in so much pain.

“What’s going on?” Leo asked, placing Macy onto the floor and walking toward me. I saw Rose gather Macy with Jayla and quickly guide them out the doors to the patio, obviously feeling the tension in the air. “What’s your problem, bro? She’s an Old Lady, not a fucking club girl anymore. Watch your tone.” Leo took my hand and pulled me to him.

Slider seemed oblivious to anyone else in the room, his darkened eyes focused on me. This wasn’t him. “And that’s exactly what she wanted.”

“Shut your mouth,” Leo growled in warning.

“Please, Slider, just stop,” I begged softly, wanting him to walk away. I didn’t want to hurt him, but I’d stand up for myself if he forced my hand.

“Club whores don’t get to speak—”

Suddenly, Leo threw his fist, connecting with Slider’s jaw and sending him sprawling across the floor. He stepped forward, ready to go after him again, but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. “Leo, stop!”

He spun to me, anger in his eyes. “Why? Why protect him when he’s fucking talking to you like that? Because the shit he’s saying is true?”

I gasped. “How dare you.”

Slider pushed himself off the floor, none of his brothers came to his aid, leaving it between us to figure this out unless things got out of hand. But I desperately wanted to help him, even though his words had burned into me, scolding me.

Blood dropped from his mouth onto the floor, and he stumbled. “Yeah Hadley. Why don’t you just tell the truth?”

Suddenly, it made sense. He wasn’t acting this way because he had feelings for me and was jealous about Leo claiming me, he was hoping that by making me look like the bad guy, that the club would throw me out on my ass, and I’d look like a liar.

He didn’t want me to spill his secret.

If he could make it seem like I’d made all this shit up to snag one of the men, I’d be out on my ass and none of them would believe a word I had to say.

“You want me gone, so they won’t know,” I snapped accusingly.

He bared his teeth at me and moved forward, but Leo pulled me back beside him, protecting me from his brother.

“All right, someone’s going to start fucking talking before I get real angry,” Optimus announced, stomping toward us.

Slider stared directly into my eyes. He knew that I was no longer obliged to keep my mouth shut. My loyalties had changed. Being an Old Lady now meant that I answered to Leo. He would demand the truth from me, and I would have to tell him.

Slider blinked quickly, his body wobbling. He was losing it. Gone was the cheerful fun guy that all these people knew and loved. The guy that made me laugh and smile the moment I walked in the door of the clubhouse.

He was being consumed by this disease, it was taking over and breaking him down, and he was refusing to ask for help, but that was what he desperately needed. His friends, his family to rally around him, and hold him up when he was on the brink of falling. And I wasn’t about to watch him break down and shatter, knowing that I could have done something.

“He wants the truth, Slider,” I said, speaking quietly. “You gonna tell him, or am I?”

“It’s not fucking up to you!” he screamed.

Leo’s hand tightened on mine, and he pulled me closer to him.

I swallowed. “He’s—”

He dived forward but Optimus was quicker, Slider’s body too broken and sluggish. Op wrapped his arms around his chest and held him back. “Calm the fuck down!”

Leo pointed at him. “You come after my Old Lady again, I’llfuckingshoot you.”

“Hadley, talk!” Op ordered.

“He’s got cancer,” I answered, my voice breaking as I watched Slider’s body slump. It was like I could see the weight of his deception being lifted from his shoulders. The fight to keep his secret finally over.

Chelsea stepped up beside Leo, her hand over her mouth and tears brimming her eyes.

Slider used what little strength he had left to push Op away, his president too shocked to fight against him.