I would happily share their hearts with her because she was the reason Leo’s the man he was today, and she was the reason Macy was in this world.

I just hoped they could let me in.

Leo’s mouth broke from mine, us both gasping for air. His hands moved to my ass, and he lifted me off the table, slowing lowering me to my feet before spinning my body so my back was flush against him.

“You’re scared,” he stated, one of his hands moving across my stomach while the other brushed my hair from my shoulder.

“Yeah,” I whispered. “Petrified.”

“Of him?”

Shaking my head, I tilted it to the side as his bearded face came to rest on my shoulder.

“No. Not of him.”

His fingers traced the line of my jeans, tickling across my bare skin, just underneath my shirt. “You’re scared of me?”

“Of how you make me feel,” I corrected. “I want you, so badly. I want to be yours.”

He chuckled lightly. “You miss what’s going on here? That’s what you just agreed to be. Mine.”

I gasped as his hand slipped inside my jeans, having been too preoccupied with the feel of him against me to realize they were now undone.

“You see those words on the table?” he growled into my ear as his fingers dived into my panties. I eyed the Brothers by Blood symbol that was etched into the dark wood. The name of the club above and Athens underneath. “That’s your home now. That’s your family. That’s who you belong to. You’re an Old Lady now, and there’s shit you need to learn. But you will… later. The future is unpredictable. It has no mercy for how we feel, no empathy for our situations. So you need to live in the now. Trust that I will do what it takes to keep you safe, I will fight to make you happy, and your life full because I’m your Old Man.”

His fingers moved across my clit to my center, gathering some of the wetness that had already pooled there and using it to lubricate his fingers.

I ground my ass back against him, feeling his hardness press into me.

“I want to fuck you, right now, right here,” he whispered, his bristles tickling my neck.

“Please,” I pleaded as he swiped back and forth against my clit, sensations already building in my stomach.

“Not yet. We sort this shit out first, we go to my room and I fuck you right. You’re not a club whore. Ain’t gonna disrespect you by screwing you here while my brothers sit outside waiting for us,” he told me, his hand now retreating from my pants and my body sagging in disappointment. He used one hand on my waist, turning me to face him just as he raised his hand to his mouth and slipped his fingers inside, sucking my wetness off them. “Just wanted to taste you. Now I know there will be no other man inside you, you taste all that much sweeter.”

My lips hung open as I stared at him in awe.

“You get it yet, baby?”

I licked my lips. “I think so.”

I was still scared but also desperate to see where this could lead. I wanted to fight, still unsure if I was willing to put his life, and the lives of the people he cared about, at risk for something that could just be a case of lust.

But he’d made his position firm. There was no running. If I stayed or left, the results would be the same. He and the club would find me, and do what they had to in order to keep me safe.

He’d taken away my options.

But I was kind of glad.

I wanted to be with him, and like he said, the future was unpredictable. So if this was all the time I was going to get with him, I was going to make it count.

I would take everything he was willing to give me, and I would cherish it for the rest of my life because having him for a moment was better than never having him at all.