Harmony piped up again from her place on his lap. “Tell them to fuck off, Hadley.”

The boys all laughed loudly.

I huffed and looked over at Leo, who was sitting on the ground doing a puzzle with Macy. He smirked up at me.

“Give me your keys,” I demanded, holding out my hand.

He laughed loudly, Macy startled for a second but soon joined her father, giggling with him.

“I’m gonna need something to drive if I’m going to go all the way into town to get shit for fucking burgers,” I growled.

A cheer went up from the other boys, and they started chanting. “Burgers! Burgers!”

I couldn’t help but laugh, shaking my head.

Leo rolled his eyes and pulled his keys from his pocket, tossing them to me. “You hurt my baby, it’ll be the last thing you ever do.”

Macy jumped up off the ground, ran over and clung to my leg. “Drive!”

I looked over at Leo, who just shrugged. Picking her up and settling her on my hip, I smiled. “Come on then, let’s go. Maybe we should get ice cream, too. Lots. Just for us. None for these assholes.”

“Asshowes!” Macy beamed loudly.

I cringed, backing back through the doorway before I saw the look on Leo’s face.

Ham followed us into town on his bike. Standing outside the supermarket while I tucked Macy into a cart and zoomed her around the store, much to her delight. After filling the entire thing with meat, hamburger buns and a bunch of other shit that I thought the boys might like, we checked out and loaded all the crap back in Leo’s truck. The trip was only short thank goodness, and on the plus side, the men always grilled the burgers outside, which meant I didn’t have to cook.

I drove extra slowly, not caring if Ham got annoyed following behind me because I wasn’t about to put any kind of scratch or mark on this truck and have to feel Leo’s wrath. That, and it really was quite a beautiful vehicle. It would be a shame to hurt it.

Macy sung loudly in the backseat to The Wheels On The Bus, and I joined in occasionally, laughing as she la, la, la’d her way through the words she didn’t know.

Just as we were heading out of town, a car floored their engine and pulled out to pass us. Because I was driving reasonably slow, and the road was basically empty, I didn’t take much notice of them as they flew by the window. But suddenly they swerved right in front of me and slammed on their brakes. I followed suit, praying in my mind that Macy was strapped in tightly and that Ham had quick reflexes and could brake in time without hitting us from behind.

Unfortunately for me, I couldn’t quite stop in time and ended up nudging the back of their car. Cursing under my breath, I quickly turned to check on Macy, who was a little stunned by the sudden stop but looking around. I took a deep breath, glad I didn’t break both of Leo’s babies.

The people in the car hadn’t got out yet to check the damage. I hoped they weren’t hurt, but I hadn’t hit them that hard and it was their fault for cutting me off.

The passenger’s door flew open, and Ham ducked his head in frantically. “You guys okay?”

I nodded. “I think so. Don’t think I can say the same for Leo’s tr—”

As I was talking, my eyes caught movement from the car and my heart stopped. “Gun!” I screamed.