I nodded. “She’s mature for seventeen. Got her head screwed on right.”

“Carly really doesn’t like the club? Or she just doesn’t like the girls?” Hadley asked curiously.

“Bit of both,” I answered. “She’s never been a fan. Thinks every guy is there to screw you over, and every girl who isn’t in a relationship is only around to steal other women’s men.”

Hadley sighed. “So in other words, she got fucked over before and hasn’t moved on.”

“Pretty much.”

“Maybe she needs to get laid.”

I laughed. “You think?”

She nodded enthusiastically. “Absolutely. Which of the boys do you think we could hook her up with?”

My laughter only got louder. “You want to hook her up with a brother?”

“The way I see it, they’re the only kind of men who could handle a woman with an attitude that big. Oh… Kev. He’s about her age.” Hadley went on to explain just how she would set them up together. I zoned out after a few minutes, not too much caring about what she was saying, but just enjoying the sound of her voice. I couldn’t help but smile, though.

It was easy with Hadley.

Macy loved her.

My brothers respected her.

She was strong and confident in who she was.

She didn’t need compliments or reassurance. She was just who she was, and she made no apologies for that.


Maybe Carly was right.

We pulled up to the clubhouse, but I kept the motor running. Hadley looked at me, the smile she’d had the whole way home dropping from her face. “You’re not coming in?”

I shook my head. “Can you watch over Macy for a bit? Any of the brothers come around, tell them I said you’re babysitting so they’ll have to come back later.”

Another excuse to keep the men away from her.

“I know I’m not meant to ask, ‘cause it’s none of our business. But where are you going?”

I cringed at her words. She’s right. Club girls don’t get to ask questions. But she had, and I’d answer her honestly. “Need to visit my wife.”

She nodded and quickly exited, gathering Macy and brought her around to the driver’s side window so I could give her a kiss and tell her I’d be back soon.

Macy was happy to go with Hadley, the bond they were forming was obvious. I swallowed tightly as I put the truck in reverse and pulled out. I needed to talk to Kim. My head was going crazy, and I just needed to let it all out. I needed her to hear me and give me some kind of sign that what I was feeling was okay. Because a few weeks ago, I could have never comprehended ever wanting to replace her in my life. Things weren’t perfect, but I was content.

But now, I had no fucking idea what was happening.

And it scared the shit out of me.

I pulled into the cemetery and switched the engine off.

I didn’t move.

I could see her stone from where I sat, Carly always made sure it had fresh flowers along with her parents’ stones that stood proudly beside her. They were all together with one thing in common, they’d left this life too soon.

Grabbing the door handle, I pulled it slowly, the door quietly popping open. The noise of birds chirping filled my ears, the cemetery surrounded by big stunning trees. I took a deep breath as I walked toward her headstone.