I spotted him across the room and made quick work of weaving through people to get to him. “Leo?” His head shot up and the girl, LouLou another club girl, was on her ass in a second as he shoved her off his lap and onto the sofa beside him.

She huffed, but he ignored her as he stepped forward and swept the little girl out of my arms. “Macy, what are you doing?”

Her little arms went around his neck, and she buried her face against him. I smiled as I watched their interaction, the pure love between them. He looked to me as if expecting an answer.

“Oh…” I stammered. “She was standing in the hall asking for you. I didn’t want to leave her.”

He nodded. “Come.” Gesturing with his head before disappearing back through the maze of people, I struggled to keep up with his pace. They stepped out of their way for him, but soon closed the gap, leaving me to dip and dodge through bodies.

He was gone from sight, but I jogged up the stairs and stopped outside his room just in time to see him lay his girl back down in her bed.

“Don’t go. Stay.” She pouted as he stepped back.

He brushed her hair back and bent to kiss her forehead. “Yeah, baby. I’ll stay. Go back to sleep.”

He made his way toward me, each step stronger than the last. Seeing him with her made my heart melt, but with every movement he made as he came to me set off a whole different set of feelings within my body. “Thanks for watching out for her,” he said as he came to a halt just inside the door frame.

Leo was tall, I had to crane my neck to look up at him as he stood so close. He had maybe an inch and a half of ashy blond hair that I was dying to run my fingers through. His cut fit snugly over his broad shoulders, and the T-shirt he wore underneath stretched to encompass his biceps.

He was sex. Not sexy. Just sex.

“It’s okay. Anytime.”

He nodded. “There’s an alarm on the door that usually tells me if it’s being opened and sends it to my phone.” He held up his cell phone in his hand. “Didn’t realize it was dead.”

I wondered if he was trying to justify what happened. He didn’t need to, just seeing him with Macy now had shown me he was a caring and attentive dad.

“If you need someone to watch her, just let me know. I’m good with kids,” I offered with a soft smile.

“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.” He sighed and scrubbed at the bristles that covered his face. It was long, but not quite into beard territory. “Guess the party’s over for me.”

Soft snores filled the room behind him, and he smiled, looking over his shoulder to admire the sleeping angel.

“It doesn’t have to be,” I muttered.

When he turned back to me his eyes flared, but it wasn’t anger. There was desire in them. It made my heart race, and while I’d been pretty confident with the men around here up to this point, Leo made me want to melt into a puddle on the floor.

“Gonna have to rain check that one,” he replied, his voice husky and smooth as his eyes danced all over my body. “I don’t fuck in the same room as my girl.”

I chewed my lip, trying to hide my disappointment. I guess I couldn’t argue with that, his words just proving what I had already suspected in the few moments in his presence. He was a great dad.

“Next time,” I said quietly, taking a step back so I could make my exit.

“Yeah, next time.”

I couldn’t wait.