“I’m going to say she wins this round,” Rifle commented, still staring at the target in awe. “I think I’m turned on.”

“Fuck me,” Kit muttered as he handed back Op’s cash. Hadley and Rose were already skipping happily back toward the compound. “You know the girl could shoot?”

Op shook his head. “No fucking idea.”

“I need a drink.” Kev adjusted the front of his pants as he watched Hadley disappear inside the compound. Even I had to admit. A girl who could hold her own like that was sexy as fucking hell.

When we got back to the patio, Harmony and Chelsea stepped outside holding two trays of beer. “Hadley mentioned you’d probably want these.” Chelsea laughed.

We all took a drink and dropped into the sofas and chairs that formed a kind of circle. Harmony stood by Kit with her hand on his shoulder and Chelsea fell onto Op’s lap.

Blizzard joined us soon after, along with Kit’s VP, Tally and his brother Tie.

“So what’s the girl’s story,” Rifle asked as he sipped at his drink.

I knew Kit knew some of what had gone down with Rose and Blizzard’s mom’s club, but so far we’d kept it pretty quiet.

“Her husband, from what we know, is the Bureau. Undercover,” Op explained. Tally and Tie both looked surprised. Optimus continued, explaining in short terms where Hadley had come from and why she was here. There was no need for the Brothers by Blood to be concerned with regards to Blizzard’s mom’s club, Satan’s Sanctuary. They weren’t after us. While we dabbled here and there in illegal business, the majority of our shit was aboveboard.

But we still needed to keep shit on the down low because of the risk to their lives if other clubs were to find out who they really were. But that was the thing about the kind of family we had. I knew without a doubt that I could trust my brothers with anything, and it wouldn’t go any further.

“Her husband know she’s here?” Tally asked.

Blizzard shook his head. “No, and we need to keep it that way. If he really is dirty like they say, shit could turn ugly very fast.”

“She’s hot,” Tie said matter-of-factly.

Kev snorted. “Brother, you have no idea.”

I wasn’t sure why, but that one comment made me twitch. He was right. Hadley was sexy as hell, but thinking about my brothers touching her made me want to punch them in the face.

“She’s also super sweet,” Chelsea cut in. “She’s in there helping Ham entertain the kids while the other girls sit on their asses and do their nails.”

Chelsea liked Hadley. It was completely obvious. I think it was possibly because she reminded Chelsea of herself.

Chelsea and Harmony were always the two that would go out of their way to make sure that Macy was looked after, and had everything she needed before they thought about themselves. They were here to have fun, go to school, and look after the men that they adored. They weren’t here for a free ride like some of the club girls.

It was funny to see the difference between the club girls that came and went. Some just wanted to look good, being with a biker made them feel powerful, higher than other women. Those were the ones that would go out of their way to drag someone else down if it meant they had the chance at being an Old Lady and owning a brother.

On the other hand, you had the girls like Harm and Chelsea, who were here with no expectations other than to live life and support the men.

Hadley? She was something else.

I wasn’t exactly sure what just yet.

But all I knew was that I was going to find out.