Everything about this man screamed sex and dominance, but over the top of that he had a huge fucking heart. You could see it in the way he treated his daughter and the way he spoke to his brothers, his family. Some small part of me wanted him to feel that way for me too.

It was strange, a feeling I hadn’t gotten from his brothers despite our sexual escapades. It stirred inside me. Waking a set of feelings, I thought I’d crushed a long time ago.

“You want me to fuck you, Hadley?”

I wanted more than that.


“Hmm. Unfortunately, a children’s playground isn’t exactly where I want that to happen,” he answered, his lips still pressed to my neck.

“Stop fucking, you two, dinner’s ready!” My body sagged in disappointment as Optimus’ voice boomed from the doorway.

Leo lowered me to my feet slowly, not letting up on the pressure of his body against mine. I finally took a deep breath and looked up at him, my hands still resting against his chest.

His soft hazel eyes stared at me intensely. “Soon.”

I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth as I nodded. There were a few moments of silence before he stepped back, allowing me to adjust my clothing, pulling and tucking things back into place. He ducked under the tunnel and started walking back toward the compound.

“You coming?” he called.

“Yeah,” I answered, but my legs were shaky and refused to cooperate.

He chuckled, continuing on his way.

That sound—the sound of an avalanche coming down the hill.

I could have jumped out of the way the first time. I could have avoided it and survived. But instead, I’d thrown myself unknowingly into its path and it had hit me full force.

I was done for.