She seemed a little stunned for a minute, taking time to lick her full pink lips and rub them together before she answered, “No problem. Take your time.” That simple movement had a feeling stirring in me. I wanted to taste her. I wanted my tongue on those lips, forcing them apart, hearing the gasp I knew would come as I pulled her body flush with mine.

“Come!” A little voice called from the doorway, breaking the trance between us.

Hadley giggled softly. “Take your time,” she repeated as she slowly stepped away, my grasp on her hand slipping apart.

I growled deep in my throat as I watched her jog out the door, calling after Macy and laughing. “Gonna take my time all right,” I mumbled.

“Hurry up, asshole, you’re late!” Optimus called from the hall doorway.

I rolled my eyes as I walked toward my scowling president. “If you ain’t in there that means you’re late, too.”

“See this patch?” he asked, pointing to his cut as we walked down the hall. “This says I get to do whatever the fuck I want.”

“That’s a lot of words for a patch. I thought it just said… President.” I smirked.

I took my seat at the table next to Op, Blizzard across from me in his VP chair, and the rest of my brothers filling the room. There was one noticeable absence, though. “Where’s Wrench?”

“I’ve got him looking into some shit for me,” Op answered cryptically. I raised my eyebrow at him, expecting an explanation. “When I know more, so will you.”

I frowned but accepted the answer.

“I talked to Skins this morning,” Blizzard started, drawing the attention of the room.

Skins was a member of the club that Hadley had come from. If you could really call a bunch of undercover agents a club.

How they had gone about creating Satan’s Sanctuary MC was smart. I had to give them that. It was a hard task nowadays to infiltrate a motorcycle club in hopes of getting information and bringing them down. We had rules and regulations out the ass for that kind of shit. But creating a whole club, one with chapters around the entire United States, that took balls and a hell of a lot of work.

The only reason we were privy to this knowledge was because Blizzard’s mom was a part of it. And after his woman, Rose had gone in and helped rescue one of them, they had come to us for help protecting Hadley while they went after one of their own.

The answer had been no. But when Hadley offered to become a club girl, knowing that we would lay down our shit to protect anyone who belonged to the club, we’d soon become open to the idea.

Blizzard continued, explaining his conversation with Skins. “Boxes have been coming a couple times a week to Hadley’s old address. They’re from her husband.”

“What’s in the boxes?” I asked curiously.

“Daisies and a note. The first note said, She loves me not.’ The next contained another daisy with petals missing and a note saying, ‘She loves me.’”

A few of the boys at the table laughed. “Man, I used to do that to girls at school when I wanted in their pants,” Camo chuckled.

“Yeah well, we’re thinking this is slightly more serious than your underage cock wanting some lovin’,” Optimus said dryly.

“Skins said they don’t know why the packages started coming all of a sudden. They have been trying to work with their men up the line, but getting nothing back,” Blizzard continued. “As long as they’re still being sent there, we’re good. But I get the feeling this guy isn’t stupid. And he has resources behind him. He’ll find her, then we might have a problem.”

“For now, eyes on her always. Leo, get Ham on babysitting duty for when she leaves the compound,” Op ordered, looking to me. I gave him a sharp nod in acknowledgment, but my brain was focused on Hadley.

This guy was coming after her. His little messages seemed sweet and innocent. But I couldn’t help feeling like the man behind them was anything but.

“Why did we agree to have her, when we knew she was bringing some kind of baggage?” One of the boys asked from the end of the table.

“Most of our club girls come with fucking baggage.” I scoffed. “You guys don’t complain when you’ve got a warm hole to slide into whenever you fucking want it. These girls look after us, and they’re loyal as fuck.”

“Exactly,” Op agreed. “Hadley has been good around here. She’s one of ours now. And we fucking protect what’s ours. So if you want to keep fucking her, you watch out for her.”

There was no response from the room.

But there was a response from inside my gut.

Hadley hadn’t been around long, but I could already see the respect in the men's eyes when they looked at her. She was the perfect mix of sweet and sexy. She didn’t hide away, holding herself with confidence, but she also wasn’t in your face like some of the other club girls.