Chapter Twelve


So, a thing happened…

I roll to my right and bite my bottom lip.

My toes curl tight. My inner legs trembling. The inside of my body feels achy, in such a comfortable way though. I can smell Maverick on my skin. I can sense him right behind me.

This is the moment for me to gently remind him that since we’ve both finished, it’s time for him to get dressed and leave my apartment.

But then a thing happens.

It’s my fault too. All my fault.

I reach back for Maverick.

My target is his cock. Believe me, it’s a very nice target and very easy to find.

What do I end up grabbing instead?

His hand.

I would gladly take a handful of cock over a hand any day of the week.

Cock means pleasure. Hand means… something else.

After I accidentally grab Maverick’s hand, I hold my breath.

I need to get out of this situation. Fast.

Maverick squeezes his fingers against mine. Like he’s trying to talk to me or something.

Again, all of this can end right now with words. Real words. Actual words.

I just need to tell Maverick to go home. And he will go home. He’s not some clingy guy that overstays his welcome.

I like that about him.

He gets it. He gets the rules to this thing.

As I think… another thing happens.

I pull at Maverick’s hand.

I place his big, strong, hockey goalie hand to my side.

Then I move my hand.

Maverick stays right there.

Well, actually, no he doesn’t.

He inches closer to me.

But his hand doesn’t move.

I shut my eyes and frown.