Chapter Two


Ilearned a long time ago how to rank a lie.

White lies, big lies, mean lies, kind lies. The lies that benefited just yourself. The lies that benefited everyone around you. It really was an amazing thing when you took a second to think about it.

The simplest lies were told with one-word answers.

Yes. No.

Other lies took time to create a massive web like a spider.

Some lies crumbled at your feet.

And others worked so easily it made you wonder if you were just that evil or if the person you were staring at was just that naive and stupid.

That’s what I thought about as I gathered up all my clothes from Maverick’s floor.

I heard him in the bathroom shuffling around.

He was sexy as hell. A tall, well-built man. He wasn’t some meat-neck looking guy who seemed to live in a gym and in front of a mirror. He reeked of athletic ability though. Which normally wasn’t my type. But Maverick had something about him. That tall frame and those intense eyes. He wasn’t some douchey sports guy who wanted to brag about himself.

If he was, all I’d have to do was mention what I did for a living and then…instant quiet.

Maverick wasn’t like that.

All he cared about was spilling his guts over his ex.

Poor guy walked in on his now ex humping some stranger.

Then again, we’ve all been there at some point, right?

Everyone has had their heart broken, stomped on or at least flicked at a little.

As I found my bra and panties, I glanced at the bathroom door.

There was still a little bit of time for me.

I really hadn’t planned on staying until morning.

When we finally called it quits after a couple hours of amazing sex, I was just going to nap. Sleep off the rest of the drinks Maverick paid for, let my heart calm a little, and let my body attempt to recover from all that movement.

Odd enough, I found myself almost cuddling up against the side of his body, sleeping pretty damn soundly.

I woke up before he did.

I planned on trying to sneak out of the bed, but then he moved a little.

That’s when I saw he had been pitching a massive tent.

I never understood why men got boners while they slept. I always wondered if they ever rolled over on them and what that must have felt like.

Especially Maverick.

I mean…wow.

His ex might have been the dumbest woman to walk the planet.