Riff tried taking a shot a second later.

I kicked to my left and blocked that shot too.

Then I stood up and slid my mask back.

“Did you guys forget how to play hockey?” I asked. “Or am I just that damn good?”

“Look at the confidence in this guy,” Lay said. “Acting like he just got laid or something.”

Lay winked at me.

That was the first reference of…

I skated toward Lay and he took off.

I planned on chasing him down and smacking my goalie stick to the back of his head.

Coach blew his whistle and ended practice.

He called us over to the bench.

“Quick talk here guys,” he said. “I have to take off early.”

“For the wife?” Lay asked.

Coach gave a nod.

“How is she, Coach?” Abel asked.

“Fighting,” he said. “Every damn day. She’s fighting.”

“Give her our love,” Riff said.

“Except Lay,” I said.

“Speaking of giving love,” Lay said.

I curled my lip and Lay smiled.

If Madison was here to hear Lay, she’d kill him.

Or she’d run off and never talk to me again.

“I will tell Carrie you were asking about her,” Coach said.

“How are the kids?” I asked.

“They’re hanging in there,” Coach said. “Mike Jr. hasn’t stopped talking about you, Mav. You did something special for my son.”

“You did something special for me, Coach,” I said.

Coach slammed his hands together. “Okay, no more mushy talk. We’re hockey players. Throw a punch or take a shower.”

“I’ve got this,” I said.

I threw my right hand out and hit Lay in the shoulder.

Everyone started to laugh.