And yet Maverick was still overtaking my mind.

The sun beganto set just as the newlyweds were about to be announced.

I made everything stop for a moment though because the sunset pictures had to happen.

I made Chelsea and John stand together and I took easily two hundred pictures of just them during the sunset.

Finally, Chelsea waved to me.

“I think that’s enough,” she said.

“Sorry,” I said. “These pictures are just amazing.”

“I think I need to eat,” John said.

“Let me get out of the way then.”

The reception was held under a large tent with strings of white, round bulbs draped in all directions.

Again, there was a relaxed feel to it all yet it still had that traditional touch.

The entire wedding party was announced one by one.

And then came the bride and groom.

Everyone cheered and then began the clanking of the glasses.

And each time someone hit a fork, knife or spoon against a glass, the newlyweds had to kiss.

When I had a free second to myself, I snuck out of the tent and looked at my phone.

I looked at Maverick’s name on my screen.

I really needed to text him.

What should I say?

I wasn’t sure.

I was also smart enough to tell myself to back off from texting right now.

There was a reason people got drunk at weddings and hooked up with each other.

The allure offorever lovelingered in the air and every person bought into it.

Including me. In some sense.

Romance was everywhere.

And my fingers ached to text Maverick.

My heart begged me to do it.

I was lucky though, my brain was a little more sane at the moment.

I knew anything I texted him right then would end up coming across the wrong way and give away feelings that weren’t exactly accurate.
