Chapter Twenty-Seven


It was the wedding day.

And my heart climbed into my throat and stayed there.

I had packed up all my equipment last night to make my life easier.

What didn’t make my life easier was my mind swirling round Maverick.

We hadn’t texted since my dumb idea to tell him to go out and have fun.

When the team lost last night, I thought about texting or calling to check on him.

But I didn’t.

I convinced myself that was too much of a committed move to do.

How stupid, right?

Then I spent a few hours wondering what Maverick’s routine was on the road. For a win. For a loss.

Did he celebrate wins? Or did he just call it a night?

The same for losses.

He was super competitive, so losing a game…

Did he run out and find a woman to comfort him?

I drove to the wedding venue super early.

It was a winery.

There were so many options for pictures, it was a little bit overwhelming yet relaxing, I told myself there was no way I could take a single bad picture here.

I got in touch with Chelsea, who was awake and starting the process of getting ready.

I met up with her at a small cottage on the winery property.

She sat at a rustic table, drinking coffee from an old looking cup.

When she saw me, she had a nervous look on her face.

Then she smiled.

I dropped my bag on the spot.

“Stay right there,” I said.

I grabbed for my camera.

“Madison, no,” Chelsea said.

“Listen to me,” I said. “I’m the photographer today. You have to pretend I’m not here. I’m going to take tons of pictures. I want to capture it all. Think about this moment. Where you are. What you’re doing. You’re going to regret not having these moments captured.”

“Okay,” Chelsea said. “But I get to see them all first.”