He looked at me. “About?”

“TheInci Warriors,” I said.

Coach nodded. “Very good team, Mav. They’ve been quietly getting better and are ready to make a move. They look good. They look really good. Now if Luc could stay out of legal trouble…”

“Forget about that stuff,” I said. “Just talk hockey with me.”

“Okay,” Coach said. “Anders is your biggest competition. He might be the best goalie in the league.”

I curled my lip.

Coach grinned. “Excuse me. The second-best goalie.”

“That’s better,” I said.

“Look, they’re a great team. You’ve got Luc and Roman on the wings, right? They’re big and fast. Nolan in the center. He thinks like a goalie but plays like a defenseman. Then we throw in Nesh and Cain. They’re a strong team. Very strong. They have a lot to prove. Just like we do, Mav.”

“Good,” I said. “Luc gets cocky with his shots though. He thinks everything is an instant goal.”

“He’s got a hell of a shot though,” Coach said.

“I’m a hell of a goalie,” I said.

“Do you really want to talk about this? Or is this a favor I didn’t ask for?”

“Maybe the favor is for me,” I said.

“For what?”

“Hey, look at this,” Abel said. “Look at this picture Wren just sent me.”

Abel had his phone shoved in our faces.

“That’s a great picture,” I said.

“This is bullshit,” Abel said. “Why do I feel this way?”

“You’re a father, that’s why,” Coach said. “You realize there’s a greater purpose in life.”

“Next time I’m flying private,” Abel said. “I’m bringing them with me.”

“That’s a really great picture,” I said. “You know, you should get that professionally done.”

“Yeah?” Abel asked.

The picture was of Wren and Izzy dressed inApple Catsgear.

Wren sitting on the couch, Izzy in her arms.

I opened my mouth and was ready to suggest Madison take the picture. Or better yet. Have Madison do an entire photoshoot for Abel and his family.

Shut the hell up, Mav! You’re going to blow your cover!

“So, Abel,” I said. I cleared my throat. “You ready to throw some punches with Luc?”

Abel nodded and his eyes grew wide. “I’ve been waiting to get my hands on him for a long time.”

“Good to see you still have some fight in you,” Coach said.