Because there was no way the dick she had been riding when she cheated on Maverick was better than what he had swinging between his legs.

So I managed to find all my clothes and darted out of the bedroom.

I couldn’t just leave the apartment though.

Believe me, I tried the wholegetting-dressed-naked-in-the-hallwaything a couple times and it never worked out.

One time I had an elderly man come out of his apartment, dressed in a matching top and bottom windbreaker set, wearing a sweat band around his head, going out for a morning walk. The poor man stood and stared at me, then touched his chest. Here I thought he was going to die but instead he asked me to marry him.

Another time I ran into a delivery guy who was dropping off coffee and breakfast for someone. In my bra and panties. That had me getting dressed and getting a ride back to my apartment smelling like hazelnut coffee.

In other words, I had to hurry up and get dressed in Maverick’s apartment while he worked on calming his morning boner.

I wasn’t sure what guys did with their morning boners.

Did they just eventually calm down and go away? Or did guys hurry to the bathroom and jerk off? I mean, if so, that was a heavy commitment. Every morning… to wake up and having to stand over the sink or toilet and stroke it…

Guys were weird creatures.

They had purpose though.

Especially Maverick.

I looked back at his bedroom and bit my bottom lip.

The way he touched me and looked at me… he made me move in ways I never knew I could move.

And that’s when I heard Maverick exit his bathroom.

I cringed and hurried to put my bra on.

He started to talk.

To me.

Except I wasn’t in the bedroom.

He didn’t know I was still in his apartment.

For a moment, I worried.

My eyebrows casually lifted into the air.

Every guy had a flaw.

Some guys wore it proudly.

Like they were loud and obnoxious. Or they liked to get into bar fights. Or they bragged about their money, cars or careers.

Other guys hid it.

Like if they were lackingdownstairs. Or if they had a collection of cats in baskets posters hung all over their room… including the ceiling.

(That’s a whole other story nobody ever needs to hear about.)

Maybe this was Maverick’s flaw.

Talking to someone that wasn’t there.