Alonso’s eyes grew wider.

“Fine,” Madison said. “I fell in love the time he showed up to talk and not just to have…you know.”

Madison turned a little and covered her face.

I hugged her.

“Alonso,” I said. “I just want you to know something. Nobody will love your daughter the way I do. I’m not worried about what this costs me. Because if I have Madison, then I’ve won in life. Beginning to end. I’ve won.”

I turned my head and Madison looked up at me.

“I mean that, sweetie,” I said to her. “I love you. I look forward to being with you and never decorating the walls because making that commitment is scary.”

Madison slapped her hand to my chest.

Over my heart.

“You are such…,” she said. She paused and swallowed hard. “I love you too, Mav.”

“Will you please just kiss her?” Carrie yelled.

Everyone began to clap and cheer.

Everyone but Alonso (obviously).

I touched Madison’s face.

Then I kissed her.

The cheers grew louder.

I wanted the kiss to grow hotter.

But I truly feared Madison’s father was going to kill me.

The kiss endedand I helped Madison off the stage.

She casually cut right through the crowd, going toward the bathrooms.

I jumped off the stage and looked toward Alonso.

He was now facing Carrie.

They looked to be in a deep conversation.

Coach came toward me, along with the guys.

“You’ve been screwing Alonso’s daughter?” Abel asked me. “Holy hell, man.”

“Congrats on ending your hockey career,” Riff said.

“He’ll be fine,” Remi said.

“You’re an idiot,” Riff said to Remi.

“Everyone shut up,” Coach said.

He and I looked at each other.