There were tears in my father’s eyes.

I couldn’t hear what he said to Carrie but I knew it was about my mother.


Because Carrie found the strength to throw her arms around my father and hug him.

My heart felt heavy and torn up. Yet full too.

There was just so much that-

“Excuse me,” a voice echoed through the speakers. “Sorry to interrupt here.”

I slowly turned my head.

Maverick was on the stage.

Holding the microphone.

“I’m sure you all know me,” Maverick said. “I’m the guy who’s currently suspended and currently looking to be traded.”

“Boo!”Lay yelled.

“I have something I have to get off my chest right now,” Maverick said.

All eyes were on him.

Including my eyes.

My wide and worried eyes.

What the hell are you doing, Mav?I thought to myself.

Maverick looked right at me and he smiled.“I’m up here to tell you all that I’m in love with Madison.”