Chapter Forty-Two



The word just hung there on the screen of my phone.

Maverick was officially suspended by the league for what he had done to Hans.

The only reason he did what he did was because of me. If I never gave up Hans’s name this wouldn’t have happened.

I sat in my bed by myself.

The closest thing I had to a friend was my phone.

I couldn’t stop reading about Maverick.

I couldn’t stop watching the videos either.

The way Maverick skated up to Hans.

I had no idea what he said to Hans or what Hans replied with.

But Maverick went on the attack, and fast.

Seeing him hitting Hans over and over, taking the asshole goalie to the ice…

It left me torn in half on how to feel.

One side of my body hated to see it. I felt guilty. I was guilty. Whatever Hans did to me was between me and him. It wasn’t Maverick’s fight to take care of. And now Maverick’s career was in trouble because of what he had done. A suspension was one thing. But I saw more than that. I saw rumors of Maverick leaving the team. One article stated Maverick was going to get traded. That he was now a distraction for the locker room and the team. Most of all, getting rid of Maverick would be a way for my father to solidify power over the rest of the team. To make it known he would not tolerate any bullshit.

Then there was the other side of me.

The side that demanded I watch the video again.

The side that had me slowing the video down, watching Maverick’s fist hit Hans’s nose, splitting it open with ease.

I had to admit that it turned me on a little.

Maverick defending my honor and my pain. Knowing a secret that I couldn’t share with anyone. Handling a situation for me that was supposed to be over, but it didn’t feel over for me. Until now.

There was even a second or two were I felt my inner thighs bouncing a little.

Temping me to…touch.

To touch myself while watching Maverick kick Hans’s ass.

I finally gave up on the videos and the articles.

I forced myself out of bed.

And that left me with one question.

Now what?

I had pushed Maverick away. More than once.

Zoe and Eva were still pissed at me. Not that I could blame them either.