That idea went straight to hell because there was a group of reporters outside my apartment building, wanting to talk to me.

I was told to release a statement.

I refused.

This was a big deal.

A big controversy.

And it was all on my back.

Which is how I wanted it.

Since I couldn’t get to Alonso, he came to me.

I opened my apartment door and he walked right in.

We went almost nose to nose.

He was pissed.

I was even more pissed.

“You won’t be here long,” I said. “I didn’t bother to make coffee. I’m not offering you a drink either.”

“That’s your stance?”

“I’m not backing down from this, Alonso.”

“That was disgraceful what you did out there.”

“Save your breath,” I said. “I don’t want to hear it.”

Alonso’s jaw tightened. “You’re going to get suspended for this.”

“That’s fine.”

“Do you want the organization to defend you?”

“I don’t care.”

“I’ve never seen this side of you.”

“Don’t worry about seeing any side of me, Alonso,” I said. “There’ s a reason I agreed to meet you today.”

“Which is?”

“I’m demanding to be traded off this team,” I said. “I don’t care how it happens. I don’t care where I go. Use it to benefit yourself. I want off this team immediately.”

I opened my apartment door and nodded.

That was Alonso’s cue to leave.

Which he did.

I closed the door, made a fist, and hit the door.

What choice did I have?

I just couldn’t see Madison without loving her…