“Of all the things going on in their life, that’s what they wanted to talk to me about. I stopped over to their house. Just to check in on things. This whole situation really gets to me.”

I swallowed hard again.

I know why it bothers you so much now. Your wife died of cancer. But you haven’t told any of us that. Because you don’t want the attention on you. You want to make sure we’re all looking at Coach, Carrie and their family.

Damn, Alonso was a good man.

“It’s a tough thing,” I said.

“It’s a tough battle,” Alonso said. “But Carrie will win this one. I know it.”

“I believe that too,” I said.

“Now I wanted to talk to you about what you did for their son,” Alonso said.

He touched my bare shoulder.

This felt weird.

Lay made a cringe face.

“A lot of teams throughout the league have youth programs,” Alonso said. “We don’t really have one. We sponsor a bunch of programs. Which is good. I want to do something great. I want to do a position camp. Okay? I want to bring young players in and teach them the basics. On our ice. So they get that feel. I want it to be anyone who wants to play hockey. And since you’re the goalie…”

“You want me to handle that part of it,” I said.

“We’ll talk more about it. But I want you involved. You’re a good guy, Maverick. This team looks up to you. The coaching staff does too. I’ve watched you also.”

“Whatever you think, Alonso,” I said. “I’ve never done anything like that before though.”

“It’ll be new for all of us,” he said. “I want this team and this organization to matter on and off the ice. That’s where you create community. I really believe sometimes what we’re doing here is bigger than hockey. You know? Look at this situation with Coach and Carrie. It’s beyond hockey. But we’re taking some of the hockey essentials with us. Coach knows how to be there for his wife. Carrie knows how to fight. You, Maverick, know how to create a sense of family. By what you did for Coach’s son. I believe in family.”

“So do I,” I said.

Speaking of family, since I’m banging your daughter, are we even closer now?

Alonso squeezed my shoulder, then released his hold.

“Okay, you’re standing here almost naked and I’m rambling on,” he said. “Let me get out of here. I’ll be in touch though. Okay?”

“Perfect,” I said. “Thanks for including me in this.”

Alonso began to walk away but he paused and pointed to Lay. “I still don’t like you.”

“I made one little comment about your daughter,” Lay said.

“And you’re lucky I didn’t rip your jaw off and shove it up your ass,” Alonso said.

Alonso tore the locker room door open and left.

Lay looked right at me. “Mav…”

“Don’t even say it,” I said. “Just shut up and walk away.”

That’s what Lay did.

I sat down in my spot and let out a long sigh.

Every time I talked to Alonso I expected the worst. Yet the guy took to me for some reason.